Monday, August 12, 2024

081224 Anniversary Comments...

Anniversary Comments…

41 years ago, today at Stewartsville C.o.C.

I married the girl of my dreams.

Family and friends were in attendance and

the late Bro. Fred Dillon performed

The beautiful ceremony.


My brother Tim Childs was the best man.

Two great friends from the Fairview church

in Dixon, KY, Tim Smith and Terry Brown

served as ushers.


A honeymoon was enjoyed at the Hilton Hotel

In Huntsville, AL.


Waylon Jennings tour bus was

Parked at the entrance of the hotel no doubt to

Play in concert at the VBC.


We resided the first months in a small basement

ap.t on Atlanta St. Florence, AL while I completed

my degree at International Bible College,

Florenec, AL now (H.C.U.)

God has been good to me!


It has been a wonderful 41 years.

I could not Imagine doing life with any else but you

Lisa Childs.


- Hayden Childs



The Twelfth of Never…


You ask how much I need you, must I explain?

I need you, oh my darling, like roses need rain.

You ask how long I’ll love you; I’ll tell you true…

Until the twelfth of never, I’ll still be loving you.


- Jerry Livingston, Paul Francis Webster




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