Thursday, June 20, 2024

062024 New Ministry Open in the Shoals...

New Ministry Open in the Shoals…


Recently my wife Lisa attended a ladies’

Devotional held in the home of her close

Friend Rhonda Stamps.


Carolyn O’ Byrne spoke that evening

About Daisy’s Place.


On Tuesday June 18th   2024

Daisy’s Place had their Grand opening.


Lisa and I along with friends

Kenny & Rita Franks toured the home.


Daisy’s Place is going to be a blessing to

All who stay there in their time of need.


Lisa and I both recommend

and support this good work!


- Hayden Childs, Minister


* Daisy’s Place needs volunteers.

* Daisy’s Place needs donations.


Looking for the blessed hope and glorious

Appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,

Who gave Himself for us,

That He might redeem us from every lawless deed

And purify for Himself His own special people,

Zealous for good works.

Titus 2:13-14


Daisy's Place…


"A Place to Stay While Your Loved Ones Need You"


(256) 629-6729


A home right across the street from


North Alabama Medical Center,


Florence Alabama


When your loved one is in the hospital,

The last thing you need to worry about is a place to rest.


Your help will provide a comfortable place for caretakers

To recharge.


A mission to serve…


When you need more than a chair


When you need a break


When you need others


When you need prayers


At times, many people find themselves miles away from

Their loved ones in the hospital.


We want to serve them by providing a comfortable supportive

Place to stay while taking care of their hospitalized loved ones

In the Shoals (North West Alabama). 


Whether you are an individual, church, or business,

Your heart to give will provide a place for the loved ones of

Those at NAMC (North Alabama Medical Center)

And surrounding medical facilities in North West Alabama.


Because of Daisy’s story, it has been my prayer and dream to

One day be a part of something that would soften the hardship,

Stress, and worry that is magnified when you have no place to rest,

Put your things, wash your clothes, or get a bite to eat while taking

Care of your loved one in the hospital.


Daisy's Place in Florence, Alabama is that answered prayer.


You will have a safe, comfortable place to rest, put your things,

Wash your clothes, and get a bite to eat.


Carolyn O’ Byrne

Executive Director


Daisy's Place, a 501c3 Company. 


Daisy's Place…  Daisy's Story


When Daisy was 4 months old,

We moved from Huntsville to Athens, Alabama.

The pregnancy with her had been difficult.

They told me that she would have big issues

And suggested that I abort.

There was no thinking about that answer of NO!

When she was born, she appeared normal.

As she grew, I knew something was wrong.

I had taken her to the Dr. several times mentioning things

Were wrong but I wasn’t heard.

Finally, when she was 17 months old her condition had worsened

to the point that I was terrified to put her to bed at night.

I had taken her to the Dr. twice that day and was told it was just croup.

That night I took her to the ER. They said she was fine.

I refused to leave until they figured out what was wrong.

By the next morning, she was in a hospital room and the pediatric

Heart specialist told us that if she lived, she would need a new heart.

Her ejection fraction was at 13%. 

We decided to take her to Vanderbilt.

I had no car while there but that was ok.

I wasn’t going to leave her anyway.

They discovered her circulatory system was underdeveloped.

From head to toe, they tried and couldn’t get an IV anywhere.

They tried a pic line in each arm, but that failed.

They finally decided to put a central line in her chest.

This line was to check her blood and give her medicine including

The experimental drug they wanted to try.

Within just a couple of days, this drug started burning her

Little body from the inside out.

She screamed for six hours straight. Her fever was climbing.

The last time they took her temp before rushing to find

Cooling blankets, was 106.8.

She was in so much excruciating pain she put herself into a

Self-induced coma for 3 days.

The only way she wouldn’t scream during those three days

Was if I held her and stayed perfectly still.

They informed me that she needed several blood transfusions.

I didn’t know this was coming.

I wanted her to have my blood if at all possible so I asked

Them to wait on mine. They took it and because of not taking

Care of myself while there, my blood wasn’t good enough.

Nutrition? I didn’t think of that for myself.

So now, not only was she in a very dangerous situation with

Her heart, her skin was completely red from the chemical burn

And I was terrified about what it did to the inside of her body.

I was also so concerned about the new blood causing her yet

Another issue.

As her skin healed, it came off so thick that I had to pull her

Scalp skin to the end of her hair just to get it off.

People thought she was a burn victim.

She was finally starting to recover from that when she got


Back to the ICU again. This time she was there for about a week.

She was lifeless for days.

ICU really didn't want you in there, no bathrooms, no food,

No chair, no rest.

The first couple of times she was in ICU lasted just a day or two

But this time would be longer.

Thankfully I had a friend who worked there and found a cart for

Me to put my things on. She let me keep the cart in her tiny office.

Another God send was friends who brought their old 80s

Conversion van to the parking lot.

This gave me a place to keep my things and take a nap.

This friend also came to get my dirty clothes weekly,

Washed them, and brought them back.

I had never thought about that need before.

I stood by Daisy’s side for about 20 hours a day.

This may have been my last moment with her.

Around 1 am I would cry my way to the van in the parking lot

And try to sleep.

I didn’t feel safe at all but it was all I had.

Day by day she improved.

She got well enough to move to a regular room.

While we were in the hospital, if this wasn’t enough,

My other three kids were back at home.

School had just gotten out for the summer and my husband

Still had to work of course.

I truly believe that God put us there in Athens because,

Without our church family,

(Bethel Church of Christ, Bro. Jimmy Clark, Minister)

I don’t know what we would have done.

They jumped right in and took care of everything that I

Couldn’t and I never worried one second that everything

Was ok at home.

The day came to finally go home to Athens.

We would drive back and forth to Nashville weekly,

Then monthly, then finally yearly.

Because of Daisy’s story, it has been my prayer and dream

To one day be a part of something that would soften the hardship,

Stress, and worry that is magnified when you have no place to rest,

Put your things, wash your clothes,

Or get a bite to eat while taking care of your loved one in the hospital.

Daisy's Place in Florence, Alabama is that answered prayer.

You will have a safe, comfortable place to rest, put your things,

Ash your clothes, and get a bite to eat.

The rest of the story.

Daisy is now a beautiful 21-year-old young lady.

(Of course, I’m not prejudiced at all. LOL)

Her life has been a very difficult journey, to say the least.

As of right now, her heart is doing fine but she has other

Challenges that we face daily. God has a plan for her.


- Carolyn O’ Byrne




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