Friday, June 14, 2024

061424 Happy Father's Day 2024...

Statistics Tell the Story…

Fathers Matter

According to the U.S. Census Bureau,

17.8 million Children, nearly 1 in 4,
live without a biological, step,

Or adoptive father in the home.*

That’s enough children to fill

New York City twice or Los Angeles

Four times over.


Research shows that a father's absence

Affects children in numerous unfortunate ways,
while a father's presence makes a positive

Difference in the lives of both children and mothers.

*U.S. Census Bureau. (2023).

Living arrangements of children under 18 years old:

1960 to present. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau.



“Sing to God.

Sing praises to His name.

Make a road for Him

Who goes through the deserts.

The Lord is His name.

Be full of joy before Him.

God in His holy house is a father to

Those who have no father.

And He keeps the women safe

Whose husbands have died.

God makes a home for those

Who are alone.

He leads men out of prison into

Happiness and well-being.

But those who fight against Him

Live in an empty desert.

Psalm 68:4-6


The best way to be a good father

To your children is to be a

Good husband to their mother.

- Jay Adams


The common denominator between successes

And failure seems to be the spiritual depth

And sincerity of the parents, especially the

Spiritual depth and sincerity of the father.

There seems to be a strong correlation

Between the faith, commitment, and sincerity

Of the family’s head and the spiritual vitality

Of His adult children.

- William Farley


Some fathers exasperate their children

By being overly strict and controlling.

They need to remember that rearing children

Is like holding a wet bar of soap…

Too firm a grasp and it shoots from your hand,

Too loose a grip and it slides away.

A gentle but firm hold keeps you in control…

We ought to begin our fatherhood by holding

The tiny helpless bar snugly, but as it grows,

Gradually and wisely loosen our grip.

- Kent Hughes


If you fail, father, to teach your son to

Fear God,

The devil will teach him to hate God.

If you fail to teach your son to guard

His mind,

The devil will gladly teach him to have an

Open mind.

If you fail to teach your son to obey his parents,

The devil will teach him to rebel and break

His parent’s heart.

If you fail to teach your son to select his


The devil will gladly choose them for him.

If you fail to teach your son to control his body,

The devil will teach him to give it over completely

To lust.

If you fail to teach your son to enjoy the

Marriage partner that God has given him,

The devil will teach him to destroy the marriage.

If you fail to teach your son to watch his words,

The devil will fill his mouth with filth.

If you fail to teach your son to pursue his work,

The devil will make his laziness a tool of Hell.

If you fail to teach your son to manage his money,

The devil will teach him to waste it on riotous living.

And if you fail to teach your son to love his neighbor,

The devil will gladly teach him to love only himself.

- John MacArthur


A famous cigarette billboard pictures

A curly-headed, bronze-faced,

Muscular macho with a cigarette

Hanging out the side of his mouth.

The sign says,

“Where a man belongs.”

That is a lie.

Where a man belongs is at the bedside

Of his children,

Leading in devotion and prayer.

Where a man belongs is leading his family

To the house of God.

Where a man belongs is up early and alone

With God seeking vision and direction for

The family.

- John Piper






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