Tuesday, June 04, 2024

060424 quotes plus...

Abraham Lincoln's

Favorite Devotionals

June 4

“Dear friends,

Your real home is not here on earth.

You are strangers here.

I ask you to keep away from all

the sinful desires of the flesh.

These things fight to get hold of

your soul.” 1 Pet. 2:11

Help thy servant to maintain
A profession free from stain;
That my sole reproach may be,
Following Christ, and fearing thee.

- The Believer's Daily Treasure


Some people wish for a life of

no problems, but I would never

wish such a life for any of you.

What I wish for you is the great

inner strength to solve your

problems meaningfully and grow.

Problems are learning and growing

experiences. A life without problems

would be a barren existence,

without the opportunity for

spiritual growth.

- Peace Pilgrim


If you wish to enrich days,

plant flowers;

If you wish to enrich years,

plant trees;

If you wish to enrich Eternity,

plant ideals in the lives of others.

- S Truett Cathy


Fear is normal.

Every person feels fear

at some point.

Step aggressively towards

your fear…

that is the step into bravery.

- Jocko Willink



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