Wednesday, May 22, 2024

052224 In Honor of Memorial Day 2024...


Memorial Day is a time to be reminded of the

sacrifices others made for us to enjoy what

we have today.


Memorial Day was the day set aside to remember

all the people who gave their lives to preserve the

freedoms of this nation.


But how often do we as a nation remember?


Memorial Day originated in 1868 when Union General

John A. Logan designated a day on which the graves

of Civil War soldiers would be decorated. 


Originally recognized as Decoration Day,

it later became known as Memorial Day,

and after World War I was a time to honor

the dead of all American wars. 


It did not become a federal holiday until 1971.


Unfortunately, many Americans have forgotten

the meaning of Memorial Day; to them it is just

a vacation day; the first holiday of the summer.


They hover as a cloud of

Witnesses above this Nation.

- Henry Ward Beecher


For love of country

They accepted death...

- James A. Garfield


On thy grave the rain shall fall

From the eyes of a mighty nation!

- Thomas William Parsons




What Really Counts!

Don’t tell me what you’ll do,

When you have time to spare.

Tell me what you did today

To ease a load of care.

Don’t tell me what you will give

When your ship comes in from sea;

Tell me what you gave today…

A fettered soul to free.

Don’t tell me the dreams you have

Of conquests still afar;

Don’t say what you hope to be,

But show me what you are.





In honor of Memorial Day 2024

I am offering you a special opportunity

To view a power point presentation

From my archives a message

I delivered on May 29th 2021

To God Be The Glory! 



I am in the insurance business

I offer eternal and earthly coverage

To whosoever will…

- Hayden Childs




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