Wednesday, May 08, 2024

050824 quotes plus

Abraham Lincoln's

Favorite Devotionals

May 8

“May there be peace within your walls.

May all go well within your houses.”

Psa. 122:7


For our dear brethren's sake,
Zion, we wish thee peace;
Prosper, oh! prosper long,
And may thy sons increase:
We seek thy good, we love the road
Which leads us to God's bless'd abode.

- The Believer's Daily Treasure




When you get, give.

When you learn, teach.

- Maya Angelou


Could we change our attitude,
we should not only see

life differently,
but life itself would

be different.
- Katherine Mansfield

We can always choose to

Perceive things differently.
You can focus on what's

wrong in your life,
or you can focus on

what's right.
- Marianne Williamson



Your swing is everything in golf

From driver to putter…

our swing determines our score

and whether each shot meets our expectations

on the golf course or driving range


So when our swing is inconsistent we search

for answers by taking a lesson, filming our swing,

or viewing a You-Tube video


The ‘See and Fix’ approach


See the problem…

Fix the problem


For example…

a Golfer having inconsistency with an

outside to in swing (over the top swing plane)

… is told to swing more from the inside

(an ‘in to out’ swing)


Which at first may sound logical…

yet, will your new swing path sync with all the

other movements already engrained in your swing

… and will your body ever conform to allow the

Club to go ‘in to out’?


Why is this?


Your balance points will be different

How you hands release through impact is much


Weight transfer, shoulder and hip rotation will all

be different


Every change is a whole new set of coordinated

movements. Thus, Golfers using the ‘see and fix’

approach accumulate additional swing compensations

and swing do’s and don’ts to think about each shot

… which often conflict with already engrained swing



*Your golf swing starts with your center of gravity


Picture the back wheel of a bicycle… as the chain moves…

it rotates the hub of the wheel… spinning the spokes and

turning the tire


In the golf swing… your center of gravity is the hub…

your arms, legs, hands and the coordinated movements

with your shoulders and hips are the spokes


Most Golfers attempt to repair their spokes to fix faulty

maneuvers such as picking up their head, swinging over

the top, slices, trying for more distance, hitting behind

the ball, too much sand in the bunker, etc.


Your swing is everything in Golf

Improve how your hub moves and your spokes will

consistently glide trouble-free through the golf ball



Garth Brooks 1989 on Cassette Tape





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