Tuesday, May 21, 2024

052124 quotes plus

Abraham Lincoln's

Favorite Devotionals

May 21


Let the teaching of Christ and His words

keep on living in you. These make your lives

rich and full of wisdom. Keep on teaching

and helping each other. Sing the Songs of

David and the church songs and the songs

of heaven with hearts full of thanks to God.


Teach us, though in a world of sin,
Heaven's bless'd employment to begin,
To sing our great Redeemer's praise;
And love his name and learn his ways.

- The Believer's Daily Treasure


20 Wise Ways to Live Without Regret…

(1) Compliment at least three people every day.

(2) Watch a sunrise at least once a week.

(3) Be the first to say, “Hello.”

(4) Live beneath your means.

(5) Treat everyone like you want to be treated.

(6) Never give up on anyone - they can change!

(7) Forget the Joneses!

(8) Never deprive someone of hope.

It may be all he/she has.

(9) Pray not for “things”, but for wisdom and courage.

(10) Be tough minded but tenderhearted.

(11) Be kinder than necessary.

(12) Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need

is to feel appreciated.

(13) “Keep” your promises!

(14) Learn to show cheerfulness, even when you don’t

feel like it.

Remember that overnight success usually takes about

fifteen years!

(15) Leave everything better than you found it.

(16) Remember that winners “do” what losers don’t

want to do!

(17) When you arrive at your job in the morning,

let the first thing you say brighten everyone’s day.

(18) Don’t “rain”" on other people’s parades!

(19) Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you

love them.

(20) Give God “first place” in your life (Matthew 6:33).

- Mike Riley


You can give without loving,

But you cannot love without


- Amy Carmichael


For a crowd is not company;

And faces are but a gallery of

Pictures; and talk but a tinkling

Cymbal, where there is no love.

- Francis Bacon


Do not keep the alabaster boxes

Of your love and tenderness sealed

Up until your friends are dead.

Fill their lives with sweetness,

Speak cheering words while their

Ears can hear, and while their hearts

Can be thrilled and made happier by


- Williams Childs





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