Tuesday, April 23, 2024

042324 quotes plus

Luck is what happens

when preparation meets


- Coach Darryl Royal


Willpower is the outgrowth

of definiteness of purpose

expressed through persistent

action, based on personal initiative.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Be open and authentic in

where you are right now.

Realize that you aren’t going

to start out as an expert,

or at the top of your game.

Be fine with that.

Stick with it and keep on

improving daily.

Over time you're sure to find

that doing so makes all the


- Josh Hinds


My favorite golf Newsletter


* The Cure for Too Many Swing Thoughts - Golf Made Simple



How many swing movements do you need to think about when you swing?


Keep your head down, turn your shoulders, don’t sway back, follow-through

… seem to be popular thoughts going through the minds of Golfers


How many thoughts are too many?

One swing thought is enough … 2 is too many!


Why are too many thoughts bad for your swing?

Your brain is trying to communicate to your body, arms, hands, legs, 

feet and everywhere in between …

your additional thinking is clogging the lines of communication 


What’s the cure?

You’ll learn your swing and how to repeat it …

if you practice like you play on the golf course


Practice of a Tour Professional

Get behind each shot …

gather your thoughts on what you want to feel on this next swing


Rehearse the movements that will give you the feeling you want to feel

in your next shot


Look at your target … walk to the ball … breathe and swing … then repeat


Practice of a typical Golfer

Hit a shot

Rake over another ball to hit

Hit current ball while correcting previous swing

Repeat, repeat, repeat


Hitting ball after ball after ball overloading your head with swing propaganda

… isn’t what you want on the golf course


Yet, if you practice this way … that’s who you’ll be on the golf course …

 a person overloaded with swing thoughts, doubts and wishing a mulligan was

as easy as another range ball


Your game on the golf course will reflect how you practice when you’re not on

 the golf course …

it truly is as simple as that statement



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