Saturday, April 06, 2024

040624 Basketball quotes in honor of the University of Alabama Men's Basketball team...

Today's post is in honor

of the Alabama Crimson Tide

Men's Basketball Team's

1st appearance in the

Final Four...


- Hayden Childs


To win, you've got to put

The ball in the macramé. 

- Terry McGuire


The secret is to have eight

Great players and four others

Who will cheer like crazy. 

- Coach Jerry Tarkanian


A basketball team is like the

Five fingers on your hand.

If you can get them all together,

You have a fist.

That’s how I want to play.

- Coach Mike Krzyzewksi


I tell the players that they

Can’t relive any day in their

Lives and that they can't relive

The minutes of a game,

So they should make a great effort,

A Mount Everest type effort,

To live up to their potential.

Success is a communal type thing,

And if we win, then everyone can be

Considered successful and we can

Move uptown together.

- Coach Al McGuire


Humility is the true key to success.

Successful people lose their way at


They often embrace and overindulge

From the fruits of success.

Humility halts this arrogance and

Self-indulging trap.

Humble people share the credit and

Wealth, remaining focused and hungry

To continue the journey of success.

- Coach Rick Pitino


When life kicks you,

Let it kick you forward.

- Coach Kay Yow



There is a point in every

Contest when sitting on

The sidelines is not an option

- Coach Dean Smith


A person really doesn't become whole,

Until he becomes a part of something

That’s bigger than himself.

- Coach Jim Valvano 


Talent is God given.

Be humble.

Fame is man-given.

Be grateful.

Conceit is self-given.

Be careful.

- Coach John Wooden


Your defense will save you

On the nights that your

Offense isn’t working.

- Coach Adolph Rupp





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