Wednesday, April 17, 2024

041724 quotes plus...

There is something that happens

when you are grateful…

You continue to keep receiving


So, I will always be grateful.

- Chrissy Metz


None is more impoverished than

the one who has no gratitude.

Gratitude is a currency that we

can mint for ourselves,

and spend without fear of


- Fred De Witt Van Amburgh


The real gift of gratitude is that

the more grateful you are,

the more present you become.

- Robert Holden



The Power of Words…

My tongue can cause death or life

Bitterness, anger and often pain

Can cut through like a sharp knife

O cause me to stop… pray… refrain.

Your words held comfort and healing

They even calmed the stormy sea

May I never be so unfeeling

Or use words that cause hurt and misery.

O tame my tongue, grant discipline

When words of anger suddenly spurt…

Forgive, when I commit a verbal sin

May my words help… instead of hurt.

Too late I learn to say ‘I’m sorry’

Harsh words fall like blackened rain

O use my words for Your sweet glory

Let not my expressions be in vain.

Thank You for the art of expression

Keep me sensitive to those I meet

May my tongue learn the blessed lesson

Of speaking life… not death and defeat.

Hyacinth Santiago



“Their tongue is an arrow that kills.

It lies. A man speaks peace to his

neighbor with his mouth,

but in his heart he plans to trap him.”

Jeremiah 9:8 TLV




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