Tuesday, April 30, 2024


He who wants to catch fish

must not mind getting wet.

- Spanish Proverb


Those who fish get to know and

understand a river in a way

few others can.

- W.D. Wetherell


If you ever wondered why fishing is

probably the most popular sport in

this country,

watch that boy beside the brook and

you will learn.

If you are really perceptive you will.

For he already knows that fishing is

only one part fish.

- Hal Borland


Luke Bryan

Huntin, Fishn Lovin Every Day

Official Video










Saturday, April 27, 2024


Nothing makes a fish bigger

than almost being caught.

- Anonymous


The agony and the ecstasy

is a six-year-old boy trying

to go to sleep,

knowing he's going fishing

in the morning.

- Frank P. Baron


If I fished only to capture fish,

my fishing trips would have

ended long ago.

- Zane Grey


Many men go fishing

all of their lives

without knowing that

it is not fish they are after.

- Henry David Thoreau 




Wednesday, April 24, 2024

042424 quotes plus

Patience, persistence,

and perseverance.
A little more each day,
a little better each day.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I have just three things to teach…
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
- Lao Tzu

All endeavor calls for the ability
to tramp the last mile,
shape the last plan, 

endure the last hours toil.
The fight to the finish spirit is the one...
characteristic we must possess
if we are to face the future as finishers.
- Henry David Thoreau


This is my dirt Justin Moore in B’ham concert 03/16/24





Tuesday, April 23, 2024

042324 quotes plus

Luck is what happens

when preparation meets


- Coach Darryl Royal


Willpower is the outgrowth

of definiteness of purpose

expressed through persistent

action, based on personal initiative.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Be open and authentic in

where you are right now.

Realize that you aren’t going

to start out as an expert,

or at the top of your game.

Be fine with that.

Stick with it and keep on

improving daily.

Over time you're sure to find

that doing so makes all the


- Josh Hinds


My favorite golf Newsletter


* The Cure for Too Many Swing Thoughts - Golf Made Simple



How many swing movements do you need to think about when you swing?


Keep your head down, turn your shoulders, don’t sway back, follow-through

… seem to be popular thoughts going through the minds of Golfers


How many thoughts are too many?

One swing thought is enough … 2 is too many!


Why are too many thoughts bad for your swing?

Your brain is trying to communicate to your body, arms, hands, legs, 

feet and everywhere in between …

your additional thinking is clogging the lines of communication 


What’s the cure?

You’ll learn your swing and how to repeat it …

if you practice like you play on the golf course


Practice of a Tour Professional

Get behind each shot …

gather your thoughts on what you want to feel on this next swing


Rehearse the movements that will give you the feeling you want to feel

in your next shot


Look at your target … walk to the ball … breathe and swing … then repeat


Practice of a typical Golfer

Hit a shot

Rake over another ball to hit

Hit current ball while correcting previous swing

Repeat, repeat, repeat


Hitting ball after ball after ball overloading your head with swing propaganda

… isn’t what you want on the golf course


Yet, if you practice this way … that’s who you’ll be on the golf course …

 a person overloaded with swing thoughts, doubts and wishing a mulligan was

as easy as another range ball


Your game on the golf course will reflect how you practice when you’re not on

 the golf course …

it truly is as simple as that statement



888 580 3635 US & Canada




Thursday, April 18, 2024


Get creative.

Get aggressive.

Get it done.

When you are on the road,


- Jocko Willink


Time is the most important.

ingredient we have.

- S Truett Cathy


Live in the present.

Do the things that need to be done.

Do all the good you can each day.

The future will unfold.

- Peace Pilgrim


I think there’s no higher calling.

In terms of a career than public

Service, which is a chance to

Make a difference in people’s

Lives and improve the world.

- Jack Lew


The man who makes

no mistakes does not

usually make anything.

- Edward J. Phelps




Wednesday, April 17, 2024

041724 quotes plus...

There is something that happens

when you are grateful…

You continue to keep receiving


So, I will always be grateful.

- Chrissy Metz


None is more impoverished than

the one who has no gratitude.

Gratitude is a currency that we

can mint for ourselves,

and spend without fear of


- Fred De Witt Van Amburgh


The real gift of gratitude is that

the more grateful you are,

the more present you become.

- Robert Holden



The Power of Words…

My tongue can cause death or life

Bitterness, anger and often pain

Can cut through like a sharp knife

O cause me to stop… pray… refrain.

Your words held comfort and healing

They even calmed the stormy sea

May I never be so unfeeling

Or use words that cause hurt and misery.

O tame my tongue, grant discipline

When words of anger suddenly spurt…

Forgive, when I commit a verbal sin

May my words help… instead of hurt.

Too late I learn to say ‘I’m sorry’

Harsh words fall like blackened rain

O use my words for Your sweet glory

Let not my expressions be in vain.

Thank You for the art of expression

Keep me sensitive to those I meet

May my tongue learn the blessed lesson

Of speaking life… not death and defeat.

Hyacinth Santiago



“Their tongue is an arrow that kills.

It lies. A man speaks peace to his

neighbor with his mouth,

but in his heart he plans to trap him.”

Jeremiah 9:8 TLV




Monday, April 15, 2024

041524 coach mark pope quotes plus...

“Every coach in America at every

other job in America stands up at

the press conference and they try

and moderate expectations,”

“We don’t do that here in Kentucky...

When (athletic director) Mitch (Barnhart)

called me and talked to me about being

the head coach here at Kentucky,

I understand the assignment.

We are here to win banners.”

- Coach Mark Pope


“What I’m most interested in sharing with

the guys is just how magnificent this

tournament is. Just how special it is,”

“If I could give my players anything,

I would want them to feel about this event

like I feel about it. It is one of the most

extraordinary experiences that I will ever

have in my lifetime, about all the history

and all the moments and all the fight and

the sweat and blood and tears that have

gone into this. Now, these guys get to take

their shot.”

- Coach Mark Pope

Comments on BYU in NCAA Tournament




“There’s got to be some component of faith

as a general concept in every athlete’s mind,”

“You do all this work and have to have this

irrational faith that in the last two seconds

you’re gonna shoot a shot and it’s gonna

actually go in the hoop, right?

You kinda have to carry that around.”

- Coach Mark Pope

(What Mark Pope said about faith and sports

At BYU Jackson Payne interview Deseret News



Coach Mark Pope’s introduction…










Saturday, April 13, 2024

041324 quotes plus some University of Kentucky Men's Basketball News...

Don’t chase success.

Decide to make a


And success will find you.

- Jon Gordon


Aim to make a difference

In someone’s life every

Single day,

Including your own.

- Dow Zantamata


The way you treat people

Who are in no position to

Help you, further you or

Benefit you reveals

The true state of your


- Mandy Hale



Mark Pope Named Head Coach

of Kentucky Men’s Basketball


LEXINGTON, Ky. – 04/12/2024


When his alma mater came calling,

Mark Pope knew there was no place

Like home.


Mark Pope, a captain of the

University of Kentucky’s

1996 National Championship team,

Has returned to Lexington as the

23rd head coach of Kentucky’s storied

Men’s basketball program,


UK Athletics Director

Mitch Barnhart announced Friday.


Coach Pope is a nine-year head coaching

Veteran with stops at BYU and

Utah Valley, amassing a 187-108

Career record.


His squads won 20 or more games

In six of the last seven seasons and

He has made six postseason appearances.


“Mark Pope not only brings an impressive

Record in nine years as a head coach,

But also a love of the University of Kentucky

And a complete understanding of what our

Program means to the people of our state,”

Barnhart said.


“As a captain on the ‘96 championship team,

Mark was a beloved and respected teammate.

As a head coach, he is highly regarded nationally

As an innovator.


His teams run a unique and dynamic up-tempo

Offense and they get after it on defense.

He is a strong recruiter with international ties

And a person of integrity.


“He fully embraces our high expectations and

Standards and I know that as our fans get

Reacquainted with Mark, they will be eager to

Join him on what promises to be an exciting ride.”


University of Kentucky

Athletic Director

Mitch Barnhart

Announcing the hiring of

Coach Mark Pope at U.K.


I don’t know that you can ever

Describe what it feels like to put

The ‘C’ on a shirt and captain a

Group of guys to a championship,

We’re gonna roll out at Rupp Arena

And we’re gonna have a spotlight

On the banners that represent this

Place. There are very few people

Who can stand on a podium and

Say they were part of that and

They captained the team and now

They’re ready to lead the ship.


University of Kentucky

Athletic Director

Mitch Barnhart comments on

The hiring of Coach Mark Pope as

The 23rd Men’s Basketball coach

At The University of Kentucky


It worked out just like I had hoped

All the big “name” coaches turned

U.K. down and the University

Decided to go with one of its own.

As a long time fan of Kentucky

Basketball (our family moved to

The bluegrass state in 1966)

I am super excited what the future

holds for Kentucky basketball!


Go Wildcats!!!

- Hayden Childs




Monday, April 08, 2024

040824 post in honor of the 2024 NCAA Men's Basketball Championship Game...

I can’t bring myself to root for

UCONN so I am pulling for

Coach John Wooden and

Purdue late 60’s star Rick

Mount’s alma mater to win


- Hayden


"Hail Purdue"

To Your Call Once More We Rally;
Alma Mater Hear Our Praise;
Where The Wabash Spreads Its Valley;
Filled With Joy Our Voices Raise.
From The Skies In Swelling Echoes
Come The Cheers That Tell The Tale
Of Your Vict'ries And Your Heroes,
Hail Purdue! We Sing All Hail!


Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
All Hail To Our Old Gold And Black!
Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
Our Friendship May She Never Lack.
Ever Grateful, Ever True,
Thus We Raise Our Song Anew
Of The Days We've Spent With You,
All Hail Our Own Purdue!


The lyrics were written in about 1912

by James R. Morrison (class of 1915),

and set to music by Edward S. Wotawa

(class of 1912). The completed song

was published in 1913.


 Creamy Black Bean Salsa Recipe

Prep Time: 20 min. Yield: 16 servings



1 can (15 ounces) black beans, rinsed

and drained

1-1/2 cup whole kernel corn

1 cup finely chopped sweet red pepper

3/4 cup finely chopped green pepper

1/2 cup finely chopped red onion

1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley

1/2 cup sour cream

1/4 cup mayonnaise

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon chili powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/8 teaspoon pepper

Tortilla chips



In a large bowl, combine the beans,

corn, peppers, onion and parsley.

Combine the sour cream, mayonnaise,

Vinegar and seasonings; pour over corn

mixture and toss gently to coat.

Serve with tortilla chips.

Refrigerate leftovers. 



Marinate wings over night (or for a few hours)

in water in a glass bowl with

½  tablespoon of white vinegar in refrigerator

Ready in 45 min. Serves 2



1 lb chicken wings

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

1 tablespoon salt

1 18 oz bottle Cattleman’s Carolina Tangy

Gold BBQ Sauce (Or Your Favorite Sauce)


Directions …

Fill a large pot half way with water and then add

the first 4 ingredients.

Bring water mixture and wings to a boil and

then boil for 15 minutes.

Transfer wings to an oven safe container coated

with cooking spray.

Bake wings on "Broil" (high) for 15 minutes on

each side.

(For crispier wings, cook longer on each side,

maybe 20 minutes per side).

When wings are done, place them in a crock-pot

pour the sauce over them

And enjoy!