Friday, August 18, 2023

081823 New Opportunity...

New Opportunity…

I am now a representative

For Physicians Mutual

Insurance Company

Omaha, NE.


I will be offering all their products!


*Medicare Supplements

*Dental & Vision Insurance

*Life Insurance

*Pet Insurance


Here are a couple of YouTube videos


Check them out…



Dental Insurance



Medicare Basics:

Answers to Common Questions







Live a little, you'll get a little.

Live a lot, you'll get a lot

- Cecelia Weir


If we want our children to possess

The traits of character we most admire,

We need to teach them what those traits

Are and why they deserve both admiration

And allegiance.

Children must learn to identify the forms

And content of those traits.

- William Bennett


The cure for all the ills and wrongs,

The cares, the sorrows, and the crimes

Of humanity, all lie in the one word


It is the divine vitality that everywhere

Produces and restores life.

- Lydia M. Child





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