Thursday, August 17, 2023

081723 post

“The Lord is my rock, and my safe place,

And the One Who takes me out of trouble.

My God is my rock, in Whom I am safe.

He is my safe-covering, my saving strength,

And my strong tower.”

Psalm 18:2



He Is…


When you are the neediest,

He is the most sufficient.

When you are completely helpless,

He is the most helpful.

When you feel totally dependent,

He is absolutely dependable.

When you are the weakest,

He is the most able.

When you are the most alone,

He is intimately present.

When you feel you are the least,

He is the greatest.

When you feel the most useless,

 He is preparing you.

When it is the darkest,

He is the only Light you need.

When you feel the least secure,

He is your Rock and Fortress.

When you are the most humble,

He is most gracious.

When you can’t,

He can.


- Anonymous




Opportunity is often

Difficult to recognize;

We usually expect it to

Beckon us with beepers

And billboards. 

- William Arthur Ward


The best thing about

The future is that it

Comes only one day

At a time. 

- Dean Acheson


I don't know what your

Destiny will be,

But one thing I know,

The only ones among you

Who will be really happy

Are those who have sought

And found how to serve. 

- Albert Schweitzer 






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