Thursday, August 03, 2023

080323 Poem... Your ear, a Smile and a Happy Word

Your Ear, a Smile, and a Happy Word...

If you see somebody having a rough day,

If you see somebody struggling on the way,
If you see somebody with a broken heart,
If you see somebody whose world's come apart,

If you see somebody who's tossed to and fro,
If you see somebody whose back is bent low,
Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy word,

And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.


If you see somebody who's fighting with sin,
If you see somebody despised by all men,

If you see somebody who has lost his way,

If you see somebody with too much to pay,
If you see somebody who's wandering about,
If you see somebody who's struggling with doubt,

Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy word,

And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.


If you see somebody downtrodden and sad,

If you see somebody that the world counts mad,

If you see somebody confused and distraught,

If you see somebody who's suffering for naught,

If you see somebody whom life's left behind,
If you see somebody with a troubled mind,
Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy word,

And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.


If you see somebody who's doing all right,
If you see somebody whose burden is light,
If you see somebody with no pain or care,
If you see somebody who's loved everywhere,

If you see somebody not troubled with sin,
Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy word,

And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.


- H.L. Gradowith


Via Beacon 02/23/2015



“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And do not trust in your own understanding.

Agree with Him in all your ways,

And He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6




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