Tuesday, August 01, 2023

080123 quotes plus

I don’t always buy golf tees and

Titleist Pro V1 Golf balls but

When I do I buy them at…





For golf gloves and a great

Ball for senior players…




I had a great friend from

Dixon, KY who recently

Got his first hole in one

On a par 3 125 yds at his

Home golf course at

Providence, KY.

On the senior ball I sent him.


- Hayden Childs


OLD GOLFERS never die,

They just putter away.

- Anonymous


Golf... is the infallible test.

The man who can go into a patch of rough alone,

With the knowledge that only God is watching him,

And play his ball where it lies,

Is the man who will serve you faithfully and well.

- P.G. Wodehouse



Approach the

Golf course as

A friend,

Not an enemy.

- Arnold Palmer






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