Monday, January 30, 2023


“You must love the Lord your God

with all your heart and

with all your soul and

with all your mind and

with all your strength.’

This is the first Law.

“The second Law is this:

‘You must love your neighbor

 as yourself.’

No other Law is greater than these.”

- Mark 12:30-31


The cure for all the ills and wrongs,

The cares, the sorrows,

And the crimes of humanity,

All lie in the one word ‘love’.

It is the divine vitality that

Everywhere produces and

Restores life.

- Lydia M. Child


I am only one; but still I am one.

I cannot do everything,

But still I can do something.

I will not refuse to do the

Something I can do.

- Helen Keller

How beautiful are the lily's that grow

The flowers that bloom in spring.

The towering height of an old oak tree

Just standing to protect me.

Like birds eagerly in the morning sings

The inspiration of laughter, love and joy

That only a friendship like this can bring.

- Cecelia Weir





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