Tuesday, January 17, 2023


“A city is honored by the good things

That come to the faithful,

But it is torn down by the mouth

Of the sinful.”

Proverbs 11:11 NLV


Believe that life is worth

Living and your belief will

Help create the fact. 

- William James


Men stumble over the truth

From time to time,

But most pick themselves

Up and hurry off as if

Nothing happened.

- Sir Winston Churchill


If America is to remain what God,

In His wisdom, intended for it to be…

A refuge, a safe haven for those seeking human rights…

Then we must once again extend the most basic human right

To the most vulnerable members of the human family…

We must commit ourselves to a future in which the

Right to life of every human being…

No matter how weak, no matter how small,

No matter how defenseless…

Is protected by our laws and public policy.

- Ronald Wilson Reagan




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