Thursday, January 26, 2023

012623 A Farmer's Repeat...

A Farmer’s Repeat…

I've muzzled a cow
I've plowed a mule
I've filled my barns
With hay, corn, peas and beans.

I've owned many acres
I've walked every lot
I've cared for each critter
Although sometimes stretching my means.

I cared not to compete
I cared for the human race
And this my beautiful County
I lived to feed.

I've now ridden a tractor
I've plowed every furrow
I've irrigated and fertilized
And on every row I planted a seed.

I've climbed a few mountains
I've driven trucks and cars
And even have crossed
Rivers and streams.

I've seen the sun rise
I've seen the sun set
I've even humbly lived
By some of my hopes and dreams.

I've flown on an airplane
I've rode on a train
But my family morals and values
I've loved and kept just the same.

I Honor our Creator
I salute our future Farmers
For I learned from the ground
That Life in every way is revealed.

- Cecelia Weir



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