Monday, January 23, 2023

012323 JESUS SAVES...


What The Lost Must Remember Forever...

Jerri Manasco


One's memory can be a rewarding and refreshing thing. It can also be a terrifying
thing! The joy of the memory of one's first date, his or her wedding day. The date
of one's baptism and numerous other great events in life can be uplifting. 

On the other hand, the memory of painful moments in life can pull the rug from under a
person. Painful memories can rob one of joy and self esteem, and can cast a shadow
even in the midst of an occasion of rejoicing. 

Yes, memory can make us glad we have lived, but it can also remind us of what

never should have been! 

The lost people will have a lot to remember in their eternal misery.


They Will Remember Why They Are Lost.


The memory of sin in their lives will be renewed…constantly, "Son, remember," was

The kindling of remembrance of life's lost opportunities for one man (Luke 16:25).

Hell's tenant must be intensified by the memory of the sins that send people there.

No one in Hell will ever wonder why they are there.


They Will Remember That They Didn’t Have To Go There.


The love of God is too full and graciously shown for one to be forever ignorant of it.
"The love of Christ" constrains the believer to work for him (2 Cor. 5: 14). 

Paul declared that the love of Christ is what compelled the Lord to die for him (Gal. 2:20).

The cross of Christ may well become reasonable after all to those who in life rejected it!

The memory of the way of salvation in Christ surely shall remain with those who have

Spurned it while they lived here on earth. Many who have not given a moment's thought

To salvation here will have eternity to reflect upon it, but it will be too late.


They Will Remember That Others Were Concerned About Them.


Angels are concerned about the lost (Luke 15:7). The church, the bride of Christ, is

Concerned about the lost (Rev. 22: 17). Preachers and personal workers are concerned.

In eternity the lost will have to remember all those times they ignored the pleas of godly



They Will Remember That They Rejected The Gospel.


God has given us only the gospel as His power to save us (Romans 1:16).

The lost will forever remember that they could have obeyed the gospel and been

saved (Mark 16: 16; 1 Peter 1:21-22; Acts 6:7). 

What a tragedy that the lost will have to forever remember what they spurned in life. 




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