Friday, January 06, 2023

010623 The Three Things...

”The sinful is thrown down by his wrong-doing,

But the man who is right with God has a safe place

When he dies.”

Proverbs 14:32 NLV


The Three Things…


Three things to govern;

Temper, Tongue, Conduct.

Three things to cultivate;

Courage, Affection, Gentleness.

Three things to command;

Thrift, Industry, Promptness.

Three things to admire;

Dignity, Grace, Intellect.

Three things to give;

Alms to the needy,

Comfort to the sad,

Appreciation to the worthy.

Three things to wish for;

Health, contentment, friends.

Three things to despise;

Cruelty, arrogance, ingratitude.

Three things to attain;

Goodness of heart, integrity, cheerfulness.

Three things which do not wait for anyone;

Time, death, Customer

Three things to do;

Study God’s word, obey it,

And teach it to others.


Puran Chand Babbar

Lil Swimmer

Ernest S. Underwood

Edited by H.C.



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