Tuesday, January 31, 2023

013123 Why Do YOU Need Life Insurance?


Why Do YOU Need Life Insurance?

In the words of the late Ben Feldman…


“Every man has problems that only

Life Insurance can solve.”


Did you know that even the rich and famous need Life Insurance?

It was revealed via OK Magazine that Elvis’ daughter

Lisa Marie Presley had 2 Life Insurance Polices totaling $35 million dollars.

The magazine also reported that Lisa Marie was $ 4 million dollars in debt

at the time of her passing on Jan. 12th 2023.

The magazine reported that her three children will inherit around

$30 million in Life Insurance proceeds once her debts are satisfied.


Yes Mr. Feldman was correct.

Lisa Marie Presley had financial problems that ONLY

Life Insurance could solve!


Friend, it is the same for you and me.


* Do YOU currently have enough money saved to pay off YOUR debts?

* Do YOU currently have 5K to 10K saved to pay for a funeral in YOUR family?

* Would YOUR spouse have enough money in the bank to continue

YOUR current family lifestyle if YOU passed TODAY?



“The grief is bad enough;

Don’t leave the burden to

YOUR family.”



Contact Me Today!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382






Monday, January 30, 2023


“You must love the Lord your God

with all your heart and

with all your soul and

with all your mind and

with all your strength.’

This is the first Law.

“The second Law is this:

‘You must love your neighbor

 as yourself.’

No other Law is greater than these.”

- Mark 12:30-31


The cure for all the ills and wrongs,

The cares, the sorrows,

And the crimes of humanity,

All lie in the one word ‘love’.

It is the divine vitality that

Everywhere produces and

Restores life.

- Lydia M. Child


I am only one; but still I am one.

I cannot do everything,

But still I can do something.

I will not refuse to do the

Something I can do.

- Helen Keller

How beautiful are the lily's that grow

The flowers that bloom in spring.

The towering height of an old oak tree

Just standing to protect me.

Like birds eagerly in the morning sings

The inspiration of laughter, love and joy

That only a friendship like this can bring.

- Cecelia Weir





Friday, January 27, 2023


It's not so much what

you accomplish in life

that really matters,

but what you overcome

that proves who you are,

what you are, and whether

you are a champion.

- Johnny Miller


A real champion is

somebody who can

act like a gentleman

and perform like a

gentleman when things

are not going well.

- Peter Jacobsen


Golf is a lot of concentration.

That's where your mind comes into it.

You've got to be thinking about what

you ought to do all the time.

A lot of concentration and a lot of repetition.

Over and over.

That's what makes a good golfer.

- Bill Roy




Thursday, January 26, 2023

012623 A Farmer's Repeat...

A Farmer’s Repeat…

I've muzzled a cow
I've plowed a mule
I've filled my barns
With hay, corn, peas and beans.

I've owned many acres
I've walked every lot
I've cared for each critter
Although sometimes stretching my means.

I cared not to compete
I cared for the human race
And this my beautiful County
I lived to feed.

I've now ridden a tractor
I've plowed every furrow
I've irrigated and fertilized
And on every row I planted a seed.

I've climbed a few mountains
I've driven trucks and cars
And even have crossed
Rivers and streams.

I've seen the sun rise
I've seen the sun set
I've even humbly lived
By some of my hopes and dreams.

I've flown on an airplane
I've rode on a train
But my family morals and values
I've loved and kept just the same.

I Honor our Creator
I salute our future Farmers
For I learned from the ground
That Life in every way is revealed.

- Cecelia Weir



Wednesday, January 25, 2023

012523 What Does Life Insurance Cover?

What Does Life Insurance Cover?

Life insurance covers virtually any

Type of living expense.

Some common expenses include…


* Immediate Expenses

Funeral and burial costs
Uncovered medical expenses
Mortgage or rent
Car loans
Credit card debt
Estate settlement costs


* Ongoing Expenses

Health care and insurance
Continue a family business


* Future Expenses

College costs


I Still Make House Calls!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382









The only thing a man can buy

On the installment plan, on which

His widow won’t have to finish

The payment after he dies, is


- Anonymous




Tuesday, January 24, 2023


I think I began learning

Long ago that those who

Are happiest are those

Who do the most for others.

- Booker T. Washington



Life is too short to waste.

Dreams are fulfilled only

Through action,

Not through endless

Planning to take action.

- David J. Schwartz


Do not accommodate those

Who don't expect education,

Prosperity and success from


Excel, Exceed and Explore

Beyond their expectations.

- Cecelia Weir



Monday, January 23, 2023

012323 JESUS SAVES...


What The Lost Must Remember Forever...

Jerri Manasco


One's memory can be a rewarding and refreshing thing. It can also be a terrifying
thing! The joy of the memory of one's first date, his or her wedding day. The date
of one's baptism and numerous other great events in life can be uplifting. 

On the other hand, the memory of painful moments in life can pull the rug from under a
person. Painful memories can rob one of joy and self esteem, and can cast a shadow
even in the midst of an occasion of rejoicing. 

Yes, memory can make us glad we have lived, but it can also remind us of what

never should have been! 

The lost people will have a lot to remember in their eternal misery.


They Will Remember Why They Are Lost.


The memory of sin in their lives will be renewed…constantly, "Son, remember," was

The kindling of remembrance of life's lost opportunities for one man (Luke 16:25).

Hell's tenant must be intensified by the memory of the sins that send people there.

No one in Hell will ever wonder why they are there.


They Will Remember That They Didn’t Have To Go There.


The love of God is too full and graciously shown for one to be forever ignorant of it.
"The love of Christ" constrains the believer to work for him (2 Cor. 5: 14). 

Paul declared that the love of Christ is what compelled the Lord to die for him (Gal. 2:20).

The cross of Christ may well become reasonable after all to those who in life rejected it!

The memory of the way of salvation in Christ surely shall remain with those who have

Spurned it while they lived here on earth. Many who have not given a moment's thought

To salvation here will have eternity to reflect upon it, but it will be too late.


They Will Remember That Others Were Concerned About Them.


Angels are concerned about the lost (Luke 15:7). The church, the bride of Christ, is

Concerned about the lost (Rev. 22: 17). Preachers and personal workers are concerned.

In eternity the lost will have to remember all those times they ignored the pleas of godly



They Will Remember That They Rejected The Gospel.


God has given us only the gospel as His power to save us (Romans 1:16).

The lost will forever remember that they could have obeyed the gospel and been

saved (Mark 16: 16; 1 Peter 1:21-22; Acts 6:7). 

What a tragedy that the lost will have to forever remember what they spurned in life. 





Our thoughts and imaginations

Are the only real limits

To our possibilities.

- Orison Swett Marden



One day at a time…

This is enough.

Do not look back and

Grieve over the past,

For it is gone:

And do not be troubled

About the future,

For it has not yet come.

Live in the present,

And make it so beautiful

That it will be worth remembering.

- Ida Scott Taylor

Life is not purposed to live

Trying to find someone to love

But for someone to love you

Who has found a purpose to live.

- Cecelia Weir






Saturday, January 21, 2023


A day without laughter

Is a day wasted.

- Charlie Chaplin


A sense of humor can

Help you overlook the unattractive,

Tolerate the unpleasant,

Cope with the unexpected,

And smile through the unbearable.

- Moshe Waldoks

I live by this credo…

Have a little laugh at life

And look around you for happiness

Instead of sadness.

Laughter had always brought me

Out of unhappy situations.

Even in your darkest moment,

You usually can find something to

Laugh about if you try hard enough.

- Red Skelton


How They Remember You…

Sprayed my name on a water tower
Carved it in an old cottonwood tree
Signed a bunch of high school yearbooks
So they wouldn’t forget about me

It wasn’t till I saw my daddy’s name in stone I knew
It ain’t a question of if they will
It’s how they remember you

Did you stand or did you fall?
Build a bridge or build a wall
Hide your love or give it all
What did you do?
What did you do?

Did you make ’em laugh or make ’em cry?
Did you quit or did you try?
Live your dreams or let ’em die
What did you choose?
What did you choose?

When it all comes down
It ain’t if, it’s how they remember you

When you’re down to your last dollar
Will you give or will you take?
When the stiff wind blows the hardest
Will you bend or will you break? (Will you break?)

You’re gonna leave a legacy, no matter what you do
It ain’t a question of if they will
It’s how they remember you

Did you stand or did you fall?
Build a bridge or build a wall
Hide your love or give it all
What did you do?
What did you do?

Did you make ’em laugh or make ’em cry?
Did you quit or did you try?
Live your dreams or let ’em die
What did you choose?
What did you choose?

When it all comes down
It ain’t if, it’s how they remember you

Did you make ’em laugh or make ’em cry?
Did you quit or did you try?
Live your dreams or let ’em die
What did you choose? (what did you choose?)

Oh, when it all comes down
It ain’t if, it’s how they remember you

Writers: Marc Beeson, Josh Osborne, Allen Shamblin



Rascal Flatts


How They Remember You

