Thursday, June 30, 2022


“Stand fast therefore in the liberty

By which Christ has made us free,

And do not be entangled again

With a yoke of bondage.



Among the natural rights

Of the colonists are these…

First a right to life,

Secondly to liberty, and

Thirdly to property;

Together with the right to

Defend them in the best

Manner they can.

- Samuel Adams


Our Founders warned against this.

They said don't...

That your liberty is only as secure

As the people are.

Because once they, um,

Get the ability to vote themselves

Entitlements from the largesse of

The government,

Liberty is done; freedom is over with.

We were warned. We are there.

- Sharron Angle


The American flag is an enduring

Symbol of liberty, democracy,

And justice.

It is fitting that the House act to

Protect it as we approach our

Nation’s birthday,

And as our men and women in

Uniform rally behind it in

Iraq's battlefields.

Joe Barton




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