Friday, June 24, 2022

062422 Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

While I am flattered

About the speculation

Of being enticed out

Of retirement,

I’m happy with life

As a bad golfer.

- Larry “Chipper” Jones

I try to do two things…

Locate my fastball and

Change speeds.

That’s it.

I try to keep as simple

As possible.

I just throw my fastball

To both sides of the plate

And change speed every

Now and then.

There is no special food

Or anything like that,

I just try to make quality

Pitches and try to be

Prepared each time I

Go out there.

- Greg Maddux


It’s the only way I think I’m

Ever going to walk away from

The game, is to go ahead and

Say I’m going to, and then

I’ve got to.

There’s no turning back now…

Win, lose or draw.

- Manager Bobby Cox


My motto was always

To keep swinging.

Whether I was in a slump

Or feeling badly or having

Trouble off the field,

The only thing to do

Was keep swinging.

- Hank Aaron





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