Thursday, June 23, 2022

062322 baseball quotes...

“For great is Your mercy

Toward me,

And You have delivered my

Soul from the depths of


Psalm 86:13


Every strike brings me

Closer to the next home


- Babe Ruth


Baseball is like church.

Many attend,

Few understand.

- Leo Durocher


Baseball isn’t just a game.

It’s the smell of popcorn drifting in the air,

The sight of bugs buzzing near the stadium lights,

The roughness of the dirt beneath your cleats.

It’s the anticipation building in your chest as

The anthem plays, the adrenaline rush when

Your bat cracks against the ball,

And the surge of blood when the umpire shouts

Strike after you pitch.

It’s a team full of guys backing your every move,

A bleacher full of people cheering you on.


- Katie McGarry 




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