Wednesday, June 15, 2022

061522 quotes in honor of Fathers...

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord!

Call upon His name;

Make known His deeds

Among the peoples!

Psalm 105:1


To be a father requires

Patience, love and giving

Up the 'all about me'


- Catherine Pulsifer


I have repeatedly stated and

Emphatically declared that

The key to the restoration and

Preservation of a sane and

Healthy society is the salvaging

Of the male, especially as a

Responsible father.

- Myles Munroe


The extension of the positive

Characteristics of a father can

Contribute more to the healing

Of a nation than all the money-

Laden do good programs combined.

It is these caring, compassionate,

Respectful and loving attributes

That can not only encourage and

Heal a family, but can be extended

Outward to a neighborhood, a town,

A city, a territory, a region, and a


- Byron R. Pulsifer




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