Thursday, June 30, 2022


“Stand fast therefore in the liberty

By which Christ has made us free,

And do not be entangled again

With a yoke of bondage.



Among the natural rights

Of the colonists are these…

First a right to life,

Secondly to liberty, and

Thirdly to property;

Together with the right to

Defend them in the best

Manner they can.

- Samuel Adams


Our Founders warned against this.

They said don't...

That your liberty is only as secure

As the people are.

Because once they, um,

Get the ability to vote themselves

Entitlements from the largesse of

The government,

Liberty is done; freedom is over with.

We were warned. We are there.

- Sharron Angle


The American flag is an enduring

Symbol of liberty, democracy,

And justice.

It is fitting that the House act to

Protect it as we approach our

Nation’s birthday,

And as our men and women in

Uniform rally behind it in

Iraq's battlefields.

Joe Barton




Wednesday, June 29, 2022


The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me

To preach the gospel to the poor;

He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Luke 4:18-19


Enslave the liberty of but

One human being and the

Liberties of the world are

Put in peril.

- William Lloyd Garrison


Democracy and socialism have

Nothing in common but one word,


But notice the difference…

While democracy seeks

Equality in liberty,

Socialism seeks equality

In restraint and servitude.

- Alexis de Tocqueville



Equality, rightly understood

As our founding fathers understood it,

Leads to liberty and to the emancipation

Of creative differences;

Wrongly understood,

As it has been so tragically in our time,

It leads first to conformity and then to


- Barry Goldwater



Tuesday, June 28, 2022


“Blessed is the Lord God of


For He has visited and

Redeemed His people.”

Luke 1:68


No one is free when

Others are oppressed.

- Anonymous


The cure for all the ills

And wrongs, the cares,

The sorrows, and the

Crimes of humanity,

All lie in the one word

‘Love’. It is the divine

Vitality that everywhere

Produces and restores


- Lydia M. Child


Liberty has never come

From the government.

Liberty has always come

From the subjects of it.

The history of liberty is a

History of resistance.

- Woodrow Wilson




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Friday, June 24, 2022

062422 Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

While I am flattered

About the speculation

Of being enticed out

Of retirement,

I’m happy with life

As a bad golfer.

- Larry “Chipper” Jones

I try to do two things…

Locate my fastball and

Change speeds.

That’s it.

I try to keep as simple

As possible.

I just throw my fastball

To both sides of the plate

And change speed every

Now and then.

There is no special food

Or anything like that,

I just try to make quality

Pitches and try to be

Prepared each time I

Go out there.

- Greg Maddux


It’s the only way I think I’m

Ever going to walk away from

The game, is to go ahead and

Say I’m going to, and then

I’ve got to.

There’s no turning back now…

Win, lose or draw.

- Manager Bobby Cox


My motto was always

To keep swinging.

Whether I was in a slump

Or feeling badly or having

Trouble off the field,

The only thing to do

Was keep swinging.

- Hank Aaron





Thursday, June 23, 2022

062322 baseball quotes...

“For great is Your mercy

Toward me,

And You have delivered my

Soul from the depths of


Psalm 86:13


Every strike brings me

Closer to the next home


- Babe Ruth


Baseball is like church.

Many attend,

Few understand.

- Leo Durocher


Baseball isn’t just a game.

It’s the smell of popcorn drifting in the air,

The sight of bugs buzzing near the stadium lights,

The roughness of the dirt beneath your cleats.

It’s the anticipation building in your chest as

The anthem plays, the adrenaline rush when

Your bat cracks against the ball,

And the surge of blood when the umpire shouts

Strike after you pitch.

It’s a team full of guys backing your every move,

A bleacher full of people cheering you on.


- Katie McGarry 




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Wednesday, June 22, 2022


That they may know

That You, whose name

Alone is the Lord,

Are the Most High over

All the earth.”

Psalm 83:18


A real man should use his

Hands to hold his woman

Not hit her.

- Anonymous


The principle is competing

Against yourself.

It's about self-improvement,

About being better than you

Were the day before.

- Steve Young


A father should present the

Fundamental qualities of leadership,

Responsibility, and accountability,

As well as the capabilities of planning,

Disciplining, and loving.

Fathering is a full-time job.

- Myles Munroe





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Monday, June 20, 2022

062022 Real Men Love Jesus...


Some think that they are very tough.
They know a thing or two.
They draw attention from afar
so others know them too.

Some think that they are very tough

With muscles bulging out,
they flex for their own sole desires
so they won't go without.

Some think that they are very tough.

They think that they're so smart.
Enslaved to things they cannot keep,
raw anger rules their heart.

Some day they will sit alone -

To think about their clout.
The first is last, the last is first -
that's what it's all about:


Through the cries of hate and lies

From others that are hurled,
A REAL MAN takes up his cross -
the hope above this world.

Some will get so angry when -

A REAL MAN loves truth.
A REAL MAN loves children -
their innocence and youth.

While others aren't responsible,

A REAL MAN won't hide.
A REAL MAN’S humility -
overcomes all pride.

When others start to steal

A REAL MAN’S own shirt,
A REAL MAN will turn away.
A REAL MAN must hurt.

A REAL MAN won't start the fight.


A REAL MAN's not weak.
A REAL MAN must feel the whip -
then turn the other cheek.

When others tear, gouge his flesh -

A REAL MAN won't sway.
REAL MEN love enemies,
and REAL MEN will pray.

A REAL MAN can bear the nails.

A REAL MAN can cry.
A REAL MAN will bear his cross.
A REAL MAN might die.

But God forgives the REAL MAN

Despite all he's denied,
so they can't kill THE REAL MAN -
the REAL MAN inside.


- Louis Gander



A real man is faithful to God,

His family, his woman and his word.

- Anonymous


Any man can help create a child

But it takes a real man to love,

Cherish and raise that child.

- Anonymous


A real man requires a virtuous woman,

Whose values and loyalty are a

Reflection of his own.

- Anonymous


A real man walks in,

When the rest of the world

Walks out on someone,

He doesn’t get strong from

Weights or by working out,

But by lifting people up.

- Anonymous






Friday, June 17, 2022

061722 Emily Trader's story...

“If my father had a life insurance policy,

We would not have to work ourselves to

The bone and sacrifice our physical and

Emotional well-being to keep up with


– Emily Trader, whose father

Died without life insurance


Read Emily’s story at this link…


With Father’s Day 2022 rapidly approaching

I got to thinking about how many fathers

Don’t have any personal life insurance coverage

Of any kind… they are just like Emily Trader’s



I am sure he was a good man.


A good man who failed to financially prepare

For his passing from this earth life.


You may be self-insured I know a few

Fathers who don’t need my services because

They have been wise with their financial

Resources they have already paid for their

Final expenses at the funeral home with



If you are in need of life insurance

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Life Insurance is usually

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“I will take up the cup of


And call upon the name of

The Lord.

Psalm 116:13


Father, Dad, Papa,

No matter what you

Call them they influence

Our lives and they are the

Person we look up to.

- Catherine Pulsifer


Part of being a successful

Father is taking extreme

Care of our children.

The other part of that

Equation is that we must

Also take extreme care of

Their mother.

- Nate Dallas


Being a father means you

Have to think fast on your feet.

You must be judicious, wise,

Brave, tender, and willing to

Put on a frilly hat and sit down

To a pretend tea party.

- Matthew Buckley




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Thursday, June 16, 2022


“I will sing of the mercies of the

Lord forever;

With my mouth will I make

Known Your faithfulness to

All generations.”

Psalm 89:1


What I would like to say

Is something so simple

That it can be done in

Just two small words…

Be there.

Those seven letters

Encompass the

Tao of fatherhood.

- Etan Thomas


By examining the different

Ideas about fatherhood in

The ancient and modern worlds,

Studying the diaries of fathers,

Interviewing present-day fathers,

And making use of other kinds

Of empirical research,

We learn something that most of

Us already knew…

Fathers matter.

- Adrienne Burgess


Being a father has been,

Without a doubt,

My greatest source of

Achievement, pride and


Fatherhood has taught me

About unconditional love,

Reinforced the importance

Of giving back and taught

Me how to be a better


- Naveen Jain


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

061522 quotes in honor of Fathers...

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord!

Call upon His name;

Make known His deeds

Among the peoples!

Psalm 105:1


To be a father requires

Patience, love and giving

Up the 'all about me'


- Catherine Pulsifer


I have repeatedly stated and

Emphatically declared that

The key to the restoration and

Preservation of a sane and

Healthy society is the salvaging

Of the male, especially as a

Responsible father.

- Myles Munroe


The extension of the positive

Characteristics of a father can

Contribute more to the healing

Of a nation than all the money-

Laden do good programs combined.

It is these caring, compassionate,

Respectful and loving attributes

That can not only encourage and

Heal a family, but can be extended

Outward to a neighborhood, a town,

A city, a territory, a region, and a


- Byron R. Pulsifer




Tuesday, June 14, 2022


“Because He has inclined His

Ear to me,

Therefore I will call upon Him

As long as I live.”

Psalm 116:2


The greater the obstacle,

The more glory in overcoming.

- Moliere


Always do your best.

What you plant now,

You will harvest later.

- Og Mandino


Your mother really did know

The secret to a better world…
Play nicely together.

Don't fight.
- Anonymous


Monday, June 13, 2022


“I will run the course of Your


For You shall enlarge my


Psalm 119:32


The good that men

Do lives after them.

- Ruth Gordon


Character is the diamond

That scratches every

Other stone.

- Cyrus Augustus Bartol


It is the way a father holds

His child’s hand that makes

His child feel safe.

It is the way a father looks

At his child makes his child

Feel cared for.

But most of all, it is the very

Presence of a father to a child

That makes the child feel blessed.

- Anonymous