Saturday, May 07, 2022


“A wise son makes a glad father,

But a foolish son is the grief

Of his mother.”

Proverbs 10:1


Somebody will always

Break your records.

It is how you live

That counts.

- Earl Campbell


We stand our best chance of leaving

A legacy to those who want to learn,

Our children, by standing firm.

In matters of style, hey,

Swing with the stream.

But in matters of principle,

You need to stand like a rock.

- Kevin Costner


A Short Course in Human Relations…

The six most important words…

I admit I made a mistake.

The five most important words…

You did a good job.

The four most important words…

What is your opinion?

The three most important words…

If you please.

The two most important words…

Thank you.

The one most important word…


The least important word…


- Anonymous





Glen Campbell live with the South Dakota symphony

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