Saturday, May 28, 2022

052822 quotes in honor of our grand-son in Heaven Colson Lee Clark

Our grand-son Colson Lee Clark

Would be two years old today.


He passed on May 28th, 2020


I am posting today in his memory….


What are little boys made of?

Snips and snails,

And puppy dog tails;

That’s what little boys

Are made of.


Little boy blue,

Come blow your horn,

The sheep’s in the meadow,

The cow’s in the corn;

But where is the boy who

Looks after the sheep?

He’s under the haystack

Fast asleep.

Will you wake him?

No not I,

For if I do,

He’ll be sure to cry.


Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir;

Three bags full;

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.



Friday, May 27, 2022

052722 quotes in honor of Memorial Day 2022


“Rejoice the soul of Your


For to You, O Lord,

I lift up my soul.”

Psalm 86:4


We come,

Not to mourn our dead soldiers,

But to praise them.

- Francis A. Walker


The brave die never,

Though they sleep in dust:
Their courage nerves a

Thousand living men.

- Minot J. Savage


To these we owe the

High resolve that the

Cause for which they died

Shall live.

- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Thursday, May 26, 2022


“Let us come before His

Presence with thanksgiving;

Let us shout joyfully to Him

With psalms.

Psalm 95:2


And they who for their country

Die shall fill an honored grave,

For glory lights the soldier's tomb,

And beauty weeps the brave.

- Joseph Drake


Do right. Do your best.

Treat others as you

Want to be treated.

- Coach Lou Holtz

The only reason for a defeat

Is to learn from it.

If you learn from it,

It’s just a result. 

If you don’t learn from it,

It’s a disaster.

- Coach Jürgen Klopp


Wednesday, May 25, 2022


In God is my salvation and my


The rock of my strength,

And my refuge, is in God.

Psalm 62:7


There is only one thing that

Makes a dream impossible

To achieve…

The fear of failure.

- Paulo Coelho


Dreams are illustrations…

From the book your soul is

Writing about you.

- Marsha Norman


Don’t give up on your dreams,

Or your dreams will give up on


- Coach John Wooden



Tuesday, May 24, 2022


“All the earth shall worship

You and sing praises to You;

They shall sing praises to

Your name.”

Psalm 66 4


All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to

Pursue them.
- Walt Disney


Nothing in life is to be feared,

It is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand

More, so that we may fear less.
- Marie Curie


If success is not on your own terms…

If it looks good to the world

But does not feel good in your own heart…

It is no success at all.

- Anna Quindlen 


Monday, May 23, 2022


Oh, sing to the Lord a new song!

Sing to the Lord, all the earth.

Psalm 96:1


Hold fast to dreams,

For if dreams die,

Life is a broken-winged

Bird that cannot fly.

- Langston Hughes


Without dreams,

There can be no courage.

And without courage,

There can be no action.

- Wim Wender


Man, alone, has the power

To transform his thoughts

Into physical reality;

Man, alone, can dream and

Make his dreams come true.

- Napoleon Hill





Need Term Life Insurance?

Friday, May 20, 2022


Fun is like life insurance.

the older you get,

the more it costs.
- Kim Hubbard


I don’t call it "Life Insurance,"

I call it "Love Insurance."

We buy it because we want to

leave a legacy for those we love.
- Farshad Asl


If a child, a spouse,

or a parent depends

on you and your income,

you need life insurance.
- Suze Orman


Every month that you send a check

to the life insurance company,

you're making a bet with them.

Don't worry, one day you'll win.
- Nitya Prakash

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


“He who blesses his friend

With a loud voice, rising

Early in the morning,

It will be counted a

Curse to him.

Psalm 27:14



Don't let your fears

Stand in the way of

Your dreams.
- Anonymous


Who never walks save

Where he sees men's tracks,

Makes no discoveries.
- J. G. Holland

Go confidently in the

Direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau




Got Insurance?

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

051722 Happy 1st Birthday Caragan!

Jesus loves me, this I know


Jesus loves me, this I know,

For the Bible tells me so;

Little ones to Him belong;

They are weak, but He is strong.


Jesus loves me… loves me still,
Though I'm very weak and ill;
From his shining throne on high,
Comes to watch me where I lie.


Jesus, take this heart of mine;

Make it pure and wholly Thine.

Thou hast bled and died for me;

I will live henceforth for Thee.


Jesus loves me, this I know,
as he loved so long ago,
taking children on his knee,
saying, "Let them come to me."


Yes, Jesus loves me,

Yes, Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so.


Jesus loves me he who died
heaven's gate to open wide.
He will wash away my sin,
let his little child come in.


Yes, I love Jesus.

Yes, I love Jesus.

Yes, I love Jesus.

In prayer I tell Him so.


- Lyrics: 

Anna Bartlett Warner 1859-60

 - Chorus and Music: 

William Batchedler Bradbury 1861-62





“I remember Your name in the

Night, O Lord,

And I keep Your law.

Psalm 119:55


The imagination is literally

The workshop wherein are

Fashioned all plans created

By man.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Look at everything as though you were seeing it
either for the first or last time.
Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
- Betty Smith

Today's affirmation…
I Receive ALL of Life with Thanksgiving -
I have gratitude for EVERYTHING
that has ever occurred to bring me to this moment.
I give thanks for the joys and the sufferings,
the moments of peace and the flashes of anger,
the compassion and the indifference,
the roar of my courage and the cold sweat of my fear.
I accept gratefully the entirety of my past and my present life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie


Saturday, May 14, 2022


“For whoever desires to save

His life will lose it,

But whoever loses his life for

My sake and the gospel’s will

Save it.

Mark 8:35


When you are offended

at any man's fault,

turn to yourself and study

your own failings.

Then you will forget your


- Epictetus


There is no such thing as

a hopeless situation.

Every single circumstance

of your life can change!
- Rhonda Byrne

To think bad thoughts is

really the easiest thing in the world.

If you leave your mind to itself, it

will spiral down into ever increasing


To think good thoughts, however,

Requires effort.

This is one of the things that discipline …

training … is about.

- James Clavell 




Friday, May 13, 2022

051322 Ways to pay less for Life Insurance...

Ways to Pay Less for Life Insurance


Buying life insurance may be less costly than you think, particularly

if you follow some fairly simple steps to keep your premiums down.

Research from LIMRA, a membership organization for life insurers,

shows that despite record-high consumer intent to purchase coverage,

“too many Americans mistakenly feel life insurance is financially out

of reach or too difficult to obtain.”


If you’re looking for a policy that won’t break the bank, while still

covering your loved one's expenses after you die, a number of moves

can allow you to score the lowest rate you can.


Permanent life insurance, such as whole life coverage, provides lifelong

coverage, along with a savings component of a policy known as its

cash value. But you'll pay a price for those advantages. A permanent

policy can easily cost three to five times as much as buying the same

amount of term life insurance, says Barb Pietrangelo, a financial planner

and insurance expert at Prudential. On average, term life policies cost

only about $165 per year, LIMRA reports.


As the name implies, term life insurance covers you for a defined period,

typically between 10 and 30 years. Select a term length that will cover

the years your family will most need protection. That might be the time

until your children reach adulthood or your mortgage will be paid off.


While you should be careful not to choose a term that's too short, there's

a financial incentive to not buy longer coverage than you really need.

The longer the policy term, as a rule, the higher the annual premium.

Get insured when you’re still young.


The main reason to buy life insurance earlier in life is that, as a rule, the

younger and healthier you are, the lower your premium. Taking out a

policy in your 20s or 30s… when you're less likely to suffer health

conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure… allows

you to lock in the most affordable coverage for the coming decades.


“When you buy life insurance young, your premiums remain the same for

the duration of your policy unless you change the coverage amount.

This will reduce the total amount you’ll spend on life insurance throughout

your lifetime,” explains LIMRA CEO David Levenson.


However, the sooner a term policy begins, of course, the sooner it ends… 

potentially leaving you uninsured at an age where you still require coverage.

If you still need insurance when the policy term expires, most life insurers

offer the option to convert your term life policy to a permanent one, says

John Buenger, senior financial manager and advisor at the Rice Agency.


Such a conversion, though, will subject you to the sticker shock of a

permanent policy. Another alternative for continuing coverage is to take out

another term life policy. While the premium will be lower than for converting

the old policy to a permanent one, you'll still pay more than for the original

policy, because you'll be older than you were when you got that coverage.


However, you may not need the same death benefit as you did decades ago,

because your kids are out on their own or you've retired the mortgage.

So you could offset at least some of the impact of your age on the policy's

cost by buying a lower amount of coverage than you originally had.


Quit smoking


The health risks associated with tobacco use mean insurers set higher

premiums for smokers than nonsmokers. According to the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, cigarette smoking is linked to about 80%

to 90% of lung cancer deaths in the U.S.


“Quitting smoking can save you a lot of money in the long run,” says

David Adler, president of Adler Insurance Group. “If you already have a life

insurance policy and have quit smoking, request a re-qualification for

nonsmoker rates after you've been tobacco-free for at least 12 months.”


Live healthily


Several life insurers offer policy discounts if you exercise or otherwise take

good care of yourself, and are prepared to share details about your activity

via an app and a wearable monitor such as a Fitbit.


Make premium payments annually


How you pay your premiums can help you save money on life insurance,

says Ben Reynolds, CEO of Sure Dividend. Paying for your policy once a

year, rather than every month, is a less expensive option, he says.


Not everyone can afford to make annual premium payments, but those who

can could save up to 5% in premiums, depending on the carrier.


Buy only the coverage your family will need


Purchasing a life insurance policy involves choosing a death benefit amount

that will allow your beneficiaries to be financially solvent were you to die.

As with determining the right policy term, it's prudent to buy no more coverage

than your family will really require.


The Insurance Information Institute suggests you first take into account

other sources of income your family might have access to after your death,

such as Social Security and retirement benefits or an employer-sponsored

life insurance policy.


Next, add up the expenses your survivors would incur if you died.

These could include burial expenses, replacing hidden income… such as

work benefits that aren’t part of your wages… or the replacement costs for

any services you provide for the family, like tax preparation.


Once you have totaled those numbers, subtract your family's total income

and other assets from that sum. This should give you a relatively accurate

picture of how much coverage your family will actually need to be made

whole in your absence. This methodology is more precise… and may result

in lesser coverage and lower premiums… than some other methods of 

calculating life insurance needs, such as buying a multiple of your annual income.


Finally, as with other forms of insurance, the surest way to find the right life

insurance at the right price is to compare what different insurers are offering.

This is something you can do on your own if you already know what you need.

Still, you may want to consider working with an independent agent .

Such a intermediary can shop for policies from different life insurance companies 

so you can get the lowest premium, says Adler.



Author: Ana Reina




Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382


Looking for Term Coverage


