Wednesday, October 16, 2024

101624 Wed devo and quotes plus Wed funny...

Samuel Bagster's
Famous Daily Devotions
October 16

“ Do not be lazy but always work hard.
Work for the Lord with a heart full
of love for Him.”
Romans 12:11

 “Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your strength.
For there is no work or planning
or learning or wisdom in the place
of the dead where you are going.”
Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Whatever work you do,
do it with all your heart.
Do it for the Lord and not for men.
Remember that you will get your
reward from the Lord.
He will give you what you should receive.
You are working for the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:23-24


Edited by H.C.


You can't have a plan for your day,
'til you have a plan for your life.
- Tony Robbins

Make each day your masterpiece.
- Coach John Wooden

One of the best lessons you can learn
In life is to master how to remain calm.
- Catherine Pulsifer

Successful people are always looking
for opportunities to help others.
Unsuccessful people are always asking,
"What's in it for me?".
- Brian Tracy

Practice Golden-Rule 1 of
Management in everything you do.
Manage others the way you would
like to be managed.
- Brian Tracy

If you raise your children to feel
that they can accomplish any goal
or task they decide upon,
you will have succeeded as a parent
and you will have given your children
the greatest of all blessings.
- Brian Tracy

We did this for Allison…
I told her she could be anything
She wanted to be.


I’m In You – Peter Frampton



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