Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Gratitude is an attitude that hooks

us up to our source of supply.

And the more grateful you are,

the closer you become to your maker,

to the architect of the universe,

to the spiritual core of your being.

It’s a phenomenal lesson.

- Bob Proctor


Show class, have pride,

and display character.

If you do,

Winning takes care of itself.

- Coach Paul Bryant


The only yardstick for success

our society has is being a champion.

No one remembers anything else.

- Coach John Madden


Winning is not a sometime thing;

it’s an all time thing.

You don’t win once in a while;

you don’t do things once in a while;

you do them right all the time.

Winning is a habit.

Unfortunately, so is losing.

- Coach Vince Lombardi


Things don’t happen by accident …

You don’t win a game, a division,

or a national championship by accident.

You have to make it happen and you

have to make it happen by what you

do every day.

- Coach Nick Saban




You Only Receive What You Truly Expect


Many people today live their entire lives

on the basis of "seeing is believing."

That is to say, the only images they get

emotionally involved with are the ones

they can discern with their physical senses.

But the individuals of real "vision,"

down through the ages, have always known

the overriding principle is,

"what you see is what you get."

Expressed somewhat differently,

what this means is that the images

in people's minds, actually precede the

concrete images,

which pervade our material world.

Therefore, you should be aware of the

fact that the fascinating physical world

we see before us,

with all of its conveniences for making

our lives more comfortable, has been

built largely by image-makers…

men and women of vision who knew

what they could do,

and EXPECTED everything else to

"Fall into place,"

regardless of what their critics might

say to the contrary.


you will only receive what you truly expect,

not what you only wish for.

- Bob Proctor


Great Leaders …

Great leaders stand up when adversity arises.
Great leaders allow the team to take ownership of the rules.
Great leaders embrace future leaders.
Great leaders lead the orchestra but let them play.
Great leaders pick their battles.
Great leaders do not rush to make changes because of failure.
Great leaders hire good people.
Great leaders make tough decisions.
Great leaders accept responsibility.
Great leaders show compassion for those around them.
Great leaders never force leadership.
Great leaders must insist on excellence.
Great leaders are not always popular.
Great leaders don’t have all the answers, but they find them.

- Anonymous


The Boat of Commitment.

The Team-Boat.

The Boat that leaves the dock early

and stays out on the water late into the night.

If you don’t make a total commitment to

whatever you’re doing then you start looking

to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking.

It is tough enough getting that boat to shore

with everybody rowing let alone when a

guy stands up and starts putting his jacket on.

- Coach Lou Holtz


May We All – Florida Georgia Line




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