Thursday, October 12, 2023

101223 Evangelistic quotes...

The mission of the

Church is missions. 

- Oswald J. Smith


Not till I die or not

Till Jesus comes,

Will I ever be eased

Of this burden,

These tears,

This toil to save souls.

- John R. Rice


If you had the cure to

Cancer wouldn't you share it?

You have the cure to (Spiritual) death

Get out there and share it.

- Kirk Cameron


Evangelism is not

A professional job

For a few trained men,

But is instead the unrelenting

Responsibility of every person

Who belongs to the company

Of Jesus.

- Elton Trueblood


Today Christians spend more

Money on dog food than missions.

- Leonard Ravenhill


I will make you fishers of men,
Fishers of men, fishers of men,
I will make you fishers of men
If you follow Me;
If you follow Me,
If you follow Me,
I will make you fishers of men
If you follow Me.

- Harry D. Clarke




Are You Really Sure Of

Your Eternal Salvation?



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