Wednesday, October 04, 2023

100423 GoFundMe is NOT Life Insurance...

You’ve seen them on

Social Media…

GoFundMe posts with

People begging for money

To pay funeral expenses

Because the deceased

Didn’t have any life insurance.


Friend, if you have kids and a

Spouse get some life insurance!


It’s better to pay $40-$60 per month

For a policy than having to post a

GoFundMe to raise $10K in a week

From complete strangers.


Remember, GoFundMe is

NOT life insurance…


Step up to the plate

And provide for your family!


Get some life insurance…


And as I say…


“The Grief is bad enough,

Don’t leave the burden

To YOUR family!”




Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382






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