Tuesday, July 25, 2023

072523 In Loving Memory...

In Loving Memory of my friend

And sister in Christ.


Sammie Lou Latham


October 3, 1935 – July 22, 2023



"It is better to take refuge

In the Lord than to trust in man."

Psalm 118:8


Uncertainty is the refuge of hope.

- Henri Frederic Amiel


Treasure the love you receive above all.

It will survive long after your gold and

good health have vanished.

- Og Mandino


“When thou passest through the waters,

They shall not overflow thee…”

Isaiah 43:2


“When Thou passest through the waters,”

Deep the waves may be, and cold,

But Jehovah is our refuge

And His promise is our hold;

For the Lord Himself hath said it,

He the faithful God and true;

“When thou comest to the waters,

Thou shalt not go down, but through.

Seas of sorrow, seas of trial,

Bitterest anguish, fiercest pain,

Rolling surges of temptation,

Sweeping over heart and brain,

They shall never overflow us,

For we know His word is true;

All His waves and all His billows

He will lead us safely through.

Threatening breakers of destruction,

Doubt’s insidious undertow,

Shall not sink us, shall not drag us

Out to ocean depths of woe;

For His promise shall sustain us,

Praise the Lord, whose word is true!

We shall not go down or under,

He hath said, “Though passest through.”

- Annie Johnson Flint 





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