Tuesday, July 11, 2023

071123 B.J. Clarke at Barn Creek...

They tell me a revival is only temporary;

So is a bath, but it does you good.

- Billy Sunday


When is a revival needed?

When carelessness and unconcern

Keep the people asleep.

- Billy Sunday


When may a revival be expected?

When the wickedness of the wicked

Grieves and distresses the Christian.

- Billy Sunday




Our Gospel Meeting at Barn Creek

Is rapidly approaching.


We have been busy mailing out,

Passing out our “flyer” to area

Congregations and individuals in

Anticipation of our evangelistic event.


The purpose of a gospel meeting is

A time for “revival.”


(1) The Alien sinner might be saved.

(2) The wandering sheep might come home.

(3) The church might be edified and strengthened.


This year we have Bro. B.J. Clarke as

Our guest speaker.


He is currently Director at Memphis

School of Preaching, Memphis, TN.


He is an outstanding preacher and he

Will bless all who come to hear him!


I am inviting you my friend to come

And be with us at Barn Creek…


Hayden Childs, Minister




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