Friday, July 21, 2023

072123 post...

“The sinful, all the nations that forget God,

Will be turned back into the grave.”

Psalm 9:17


“Being right with God makes a nation great,

But sin is a shame to any people.”

Proverbs 14:34



America, Repent or Perish!


America, you are ripe for judgment;

Your cup of sin is full and foaming over;

You are at ease in Zion, pleasure bent;

God’s bitter vial of wrath you do bestir!


America, repent while you have time;

The LORD is free with grace and will forgive;

It must be real… not just a pantomime;

If not, you shall pass through God’s chastening sieve!


Beware, God’s grinding grapes of wrath await;

The land that’s sick will spew you out;

Behold, your crooked ways must be made straight,

Or by God’s wrath you will be cast out!


- James E. Gibbons



“If My people who are called by My name

put away their pride and pray,

and look for My face,

and turn from their sinful ways,

then I will hear from heaven.

I will forgive their sin,

and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14




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