Friday, November 18, 2022

111822 quotes and Come November poem...

Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving,

And declare His works with rejoicing.

Psalm 116:1


What we're really talking about

Is a wonderful day set aside on

The fourth Thursday of November

When no one diets.

I mean, why else would they call

It Thanksgiving?

- Erma Bombeck


Most people return small favors,

Acknowledge medium ones and

Repay greater ones…

With ingratitude.

- Benjamin Franklin


Pride slays thanksgiving,

But an humble mind is the

Soil out of which thanks

Naturally grow.

A proud man is seldom a

Grateful man,

For he never thinks he gets

As much as he deserves.

- Henry Ward Beecher


Come November…


Come November,

I think to myself I shall emphasize

Thanksgiving in my life,

Taking stock of my intangible holdings,

Things money does not, and cannot, buy.


Come November,

I shall be grateful for family, friends,

And the love of God,

Intentional in my feelings of gratitude,

As I have never been before.


Come November,

I shall entertain others,

Sharing the blessings that have come my way,

Being more mindful of those who are poor,

Realizing that to those who have been given much,

Much is required;

I shall learn the joy of giving because I want to give

As I have never given it before.


Come November,

I shall ready myself for love and welcome the less

Fortunate into my life,

Knowing the gift of their presence is a precious gift;

And be thankful for it, focusing on Thanksgiving…

Because I want to give As I have never given before.


© L. Milton Hankins





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