Saturday, November 05, 2022


Great Teams Have Great Communication.

The big part of being a team is you being

Able to communicate with other people …

- Coach Nick Saban


You can never have team chemistry for this reason …

Mediocre people don’t like high achievers.

And high achievers don’t like mediocre people.

- Coach Nick Saban


Practice Is For Getting the Right Guys on the Bus.

Do you know what my goal for spring practice is?

Get the right guys on the bus.  

Get them in the right seats and …

Get the wrong guys off the bus.

- Coach Nick Saban


We have a goal for how many explosive

Plays that we want to make.

We don’t want to make those explosive

Plays at the expense of making poor

Decisions that are going to turn into

Turnovers and interceptions.

Taking care of the ball and managing

The game is more important than that.

- Coach Nick Saban




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