Wednesday, October 05, 2022

100522 quotes in honor of One Warm Coat...

“Suppose a believer who is rich enough

to have all the necessities of life sees a

fellow believer who is poor and does

not have even basic needs.

What if the rich believer does not

help the poor one?

Then it is clear that God’s love is

not in that person’s heart.”


“My children, our love should not be

only words and talk.

No, our love must be real.

We must show our love by the things

we do.”

- The Apostle John

1 John 3:17-18 (E.R.V.)

Giving is the joy of living.

- Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly


True philanthropy often meets

In the middle upon this act…

Whether paying it forward,

Or giving it back.

- Timothy Mattson


It is not how much we do,

But how much love we put

Into doing it.

It is not how much we give,

But how much love we put

Into giving.

- Mother Teresa



One Warm Coat Day

Oct. 6th 2022






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