Monday, October 31, 2022

103122 Happy Halloween 2022...

Halloween Recipe

Creamy Caramel Apples

1 bag caramels
1 can Eagle Brand milk
1 (8-ounce) carton Cool Whip
Sliced apples
Chopped nuts


(1)  In fondue pot, melt peeled caramels and Eagle Brand milk.

(2)  Then add container of Cool Whip and stir mixture.

(3)  Slice apples in bowl;

(4)  Pour some caramel mixture over them

 and sprinkle nuts on top.


It matters not how long we live, but how.

- Philip James Bailey


Live each day as if it were your last day…

Someday you’ll be right.

- Anonymous


On your tombstone there will be two dates,

The date you were born (Oct. 31, 1962) and

The date you died (?). That little, insignificant

Line between those two dates – that dash –

Is your life!

- Eric J. Aronson



Saturday, October 29, 2022


“I can do all things through

Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13


It’s important to make

Someone happy, and it’s

Important to start with yourself.

- Charlie Chaplin


Life is a stage and you get

Only one performance.

Make it a good one.

- Kristie Van Frost


When writing the story of your life,

Don’t let anyone else hold the pen.

- Anonymous


Life is about making an impact,

Not making an income.

- Kevin Kruse


"Not Growing Old"

They say that I am growing old;
I've heard them tell it times untold,
In language plain and bold—
But I'm not growing old.

This frail shell in which I dwell
Is growing old, I know full well—
But I am not the shell.

What if my hair is turning gray?
Gray hairs are honorable, they say.
What if my eyesight's growing dim?
I still can see to follow Him
Who sacrificed His life for me
Upon the cross of Calvary.

What should I care if Time's old plow
Has left its furrows on my brow?
Another house, not made with hand,
Awaits me in the Glory Land.

What though I falter in my walk?
What though my tongue refuse to talk?
I still can tread the narrow way,
I still can watch and praise and pray.

My hearing may not be as keen
As in the past it may have been,
Still, I can hear my Savior say,
In whispers soft, "This is the way."

The outward man, do what I can
To lengthen out this life's short span,
Shall perish, and return to dust,
As everything in nature must.

The inward man, the Scriptures say,
Is growing stronger every day.
Then how can I be growing old
When safe within my Savior’s fold?

Ere long my soul shall fly away
And leave this tenement of clay;
This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise
To seize the "everlasting prize."
I'll meet you on the street of gold,
And prove that I'm not growing old.

- John E. Roberts





Friday, October 28, 2022


“So I will sing praise to Your

Name forever,

That I may daily perform my


Psalm 61:8


Time is more precious than gold,

For it cannot be bought at any price.

- David Tait


Use what talents you possess;

The woods would be very silent

If no birds sang there except

Those that sang best.

- Henry Van Dyke

I am every day more convinced

That happiness in heaven is for

Those who know how to be

Happy on earth. 

- Josemaria Escriva 

Thursday, October 27, 2022


Today’s post is in honor of a

Very special person in my life

I learned yesterday that he is

In a battle with Cancer.

I worked with him at 2 companies.

Please remember my friend

In your prayers.

- Hayden


“As iron sharpens iron,

So a man sharpens the

Countenance of his friend.”

Proverbs 27:17


All successful men and women

Are big dreamers.

They imagine what their future

Could be, ideal in every respect,

And then they work every day

Toward their distant vision,

That goal or purpose.

- Brian Tracy


Successful people are always

Looking for opportunities to

Help others.

Unsuccessful people are always

Asking, "What's in it for me?"

- Brian Tracy


It's not what you have

But what you do with

What you have that will

Determine your success

Or failure.

- Brian Tracy


I Said a Prayer for You Today…

I said a prayer for you today

And I know God must have heard, 

I felt the answer in my heart

Although He spoke no word.

I didn’t ask for wealth or fame

(I knew you wouldn’t mind), 

I asked Him to send treasures

Of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He’d be near you

At the start of each new day, 

to grant you health and blessings

And friends to share your way.

I asked for happiness for you

In all things great and small, 

But it was for His loving care

I prayed the most of all.


- Frank J. Zamboni




Wednesday, October 26, 2022


“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,

where moth and rust destroy and where thieves

 break in and steal;

but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,

where neither moth nor rust destroys and where

thieves do not break in and steal.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:19-21


Half our life is spent trying to

find something to do with the

time we have rushed through

life trying to save.

- Will Rogers


If you could kick the person

in the pants responsible for

most of your trouble,

you wouldn’t sit for a month.

- Theodore Roosevelt


Every time you feel yourself

being pulled into other people’s

drama, repeat these words…

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

- Polish Proverb



October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month…


I provide Cancer Insurance via Mutual of Omaha

It is affordable and cheaper than you might think.


This is a living benefit you can use any way you wish

If diagnosed and you don’t have to die to receive it!


Does Cancer run in your family?

Get covered today!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382



Together We Rise…







Tuesday, October 25, 2022

102522 A Good News Story...

A Good News Story…


On Monday while I was at home recovering from strep throat I came

Across this heart-warming story about Jessie Rees and her heart of

Compassion for other children who were also suffering from a

Cancer diagnosis.


3 of my favorite quotes on giving came to mind when I learned

About her story….


“… And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said,

‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35)


“I have found that among its other benefits giving liberates the

Soul of the giver.”

- Maya Angelou


“No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted.”

- Aesop



The Jessie Rees Foundation was inspired by 12 years old

Jessie Rees during her 10 month fight with two brain tumors



During Jessie's courageous fight she chose to help other kids

Fighting cancer by sending them her fun-filled Joy Jars and

Encouraging them to NEGU… Never Ever Give Up!


Jessie personally was able to send over 3,000 of her Joy Jars

To other kids during her fight. Although Jessie lost her fight with

Cancer on January 5, 2012 she left behind a massive wave of

Compassion and a legacy of love.


The mission of the Jessie Rees Foundation is to ensure

Every child fighting cancer has the support, resources and

Encouragement to Never Ever Give Up!


You can support the Jessie Rees Foundation online at:


Learn more about Jessie’s story...




“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall [a] direct your paths.”

Proverb 3:5-6

[a] or make smooth or straight


You may trust

The Lord too little,

But you can never

Trust Him too much.

- Anonymous


Trust God where you

Cannot trace Him.

Do not try to penetrate

The cloud He brings over you;

Rather look to the bow that is on it.

The mystery is God's;

The promise is yours.

- John Macduff


A man who puts aside

His trust in Christ because

He is going into society is

Like one taking off his shoes

Because he is about to

Walk upon thorns.

- Anonymous




Monday, October 24, 2022



“Your hands have made me

And fashioned me;

Give me understanding; that

I may learn Your


Psalm 119:73


Happiness is a how;

Not a what.

A talent,

Not an object.

- Herman Hesse


The greatest gift

That you can give

To others is the gift

Of unconditional love

And acceptance.

- Brian Tracy

Let us not be content to wait

And see what will happen,

But give us the determination

To make the right things happen.

- Horace Mann 


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Saturday, October 22, 2022


“Set a guard, O Lord, over my


Keep watch over the door of

My lips.”

Psalm 141:3


Cast out envy …

You can have all that you want,

And you need not envy any man what he has.

Above all things see to it that you do not hold

Malice or enmity toward any one…

To do so cuts you off from the mind whose

Treasures you seek to make your own.

Lay aside all narrow personal ambition and

Determine to seek the highest good.

- Wallace D. Wattles


It takes a little courage,

And a little self-control.

And some grim determination,

If you want to reach the goal.

It takes a deal of striving,

And a firm and stern-set chin.

No matter what the battle,

If you really want to win.

There's no easy path to glory,

There's no road to fame.

Life, however we may view it,

Is no simple parlor game;

But its prizes call for fighting,

For endurance and for grit;

For a rugged disposition and

Don’t know when to quit.

- Anonymous


He who conquers himself

Is the mightiest warrior.

- Confucius


Friday, October 21, 2022

102122 Reverence for the Word of God…

Reverence for the Word of God…


"No trait of the primitive Christians was more remarkable than

Their profound reverence for the Scriptures and their diligent

Study of them.

The word of God, dwelling in them richly and abounding, was

Their meditation all the day long. Those who could read never

Went abroad without taking some part of the Bible with them.

The women, in their household labors, wore some portion of

The sacred roll hanging about their necks; and the men made

It the companion of their toil in the field and the workshop.

Morning, noon and night they read it at their meals.

By the recitals of the narratives of sacred history, by constant

Reading, by paraphrase, by commentary, and by sacred song,

They taught the Scriptures diligently unto their children; talked

Of these heavenly themes when they sat in their house, when

They walked by the way, when they laid themselves down, and

When they rose up.

One relates with great delight that he never sat at meal with

Origen, A.D. 225, but one of the companies read to the other.

They never retired to rest without first reading the Bible.

So diligent were they in this divine employment that prayers

Succeeded reading of the Word, and the reading of the Word

To prayer"


- Lyman Coleman

(Ancient Christianity Exemplified pg. 57).




Thursday, October 20, 2022

102022 Laughs and Lifts Printing Service...

Laughs and Lifts Printing Service

Offers a complete line of

Full color printing products…


Printing services include:

500 Full color Business cards for $44.00 + tax

1000 Full Color Business Cards for $55.00 + tax.

They design, print, and deliver to your door anywhere

In the U.S.A. in 5-6 working days.

They also print calendars, postcards, flyers, brochures,

All types of business forms, banners, yard signs, and

Can handle your EEDM printing and mailing.

Give Roger Parrish a call Monday - Friday 9 am to 5 pm

For your printing needs. (334) 379-7603


322 Andrews Ave.

Ozark, AL 36360


“They have printed business cards and

Calendars for me and I have been very pleased

With the price and quality of their products.”


Hayden Childs

Insurance Agent





“I will abide in Your tabernacle


I will trust in the shelter of

Your wings.”

Psalm 61:4


Press on.

Obstacles are seldom the

Same size tomorrow as

They are today.

- Robert H. Schuller


In the long run,

We shape our lives

And we shape ourselves.

The process never ends

Until we die,

And the choices that we

Make are ultimately

Our responsibility

- Eleanor Roosevelt


It isn't what you have,

Or who you are,

Or where you are,

Or what you are doing

That makes you happy

Or unhappy.

It is what you think about.

- Dale Carnegie



Wednesday, October 19, 2022

101922 October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month…


I provide Cancer Insurance via Mutual of Omaha

It is affordable and cheaper than you might think.


This is a living benefit you can use any way you wish

If diagnosed and you don’t have to die to receive it!


Does Cancer run in your family?

Get covered today!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382



Together We Rise…