Saturday, December 23, 2023

122323 In Tribute And Loving Memory...

In tribute and loving memory

of my friend Daniel Gray

And to those left behind…

April and “Big Al”

Nauvoo, AL


“Give all your worries to Him

 because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7 NLV


What we call the beginning

is often the end.

To make an end

is to make a beginning.

The end is where we start from.

- T. S. Eliot


Relatives and friends,

I am about to leave…

My last breath does not say


For my love for you is truly timeless,

Beyond the touch of bony death…

I leave my thoughts, my laughter,

and my dreams

To you whom I have treasured

Beyond gold and precious gems.

I give you what no thief can steal,

The memories of our times together…

The tender, love-filled moments,

The successes we have shared,

The hard times that brought us

closer together

And the roads we have walked

side by side…

- Edward Hays


I’ll cry with you

She whispered

Until we run out of tears.

Even if it’s forever.

We’ll do it together.

There it was… a simple

Promise of connection

The loving alliance of

Grief and hope that

Blesses both our breaking

Apart and our coming

Together again.

- Molly Fumia



You don’t get over it

You just get through it

You don’t get by it

Because you can’t

get around it.

It doesn't “get better”

It just gets different

Every day…

Grief puts on a new face

- Wendy Feiereisen


There is only one way for you

To live without grief in your lifetime;

That is to exist without love.

Your grief represents your humanness,

Just as your love does.

- Carol Staudacher


A Friend…

What is a Friend?

I’ll tell you.

It is a person with whom

You dare to be yourself.

Your soul can go naked with him

He seems to ask you to put on nothing,

Only be what you really are.

When you are with him,

You do not have to be on your guard.

You can say what you think,

So long as it is genuinely you.

He understands those contradictions

In your nature that cause others

To misjudge you.

With him you breathe freely…

You can avow your little vanities

And envies and absurdities and

In opening them up to him

They are dissolved on the

White ocean of his loyalty.

He understands

You can weep with him,

Laugh with him,

Pray with him…

Through and underneath it all

He sees, knows and loves you.

A friend, I repeat,

Is one with whom you

Dare to be yourself.

-       Anonymous





Amazing Grace



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