Saturday, December 16, 2023

121623 Christmas quotes plus...

Christmas is most truly Christmas

when we celebrate it by giving the

light of love to those who need it


- Ruth Carter Stapleton


Christmas is not as much about

opening our presents as opening

our hearts.

- Janice Maeditere

Heap on the wood! the wind is chill;

But let it whistle as it will,

We'll keep our Christmas merry still.

- Walter Scott, Sr.

Happy, happy Christmas,

that can win us back to the delusions

of our childish days;

that can recall to the old man the

pleasures of his youth;

that can transport the sailor and the traveler,

thousands of miles away,

back to his own fireside and his quiet home!

- Charles Dickens


Christmas will always be

as long as we stand heart

to heart and hand in hand.

- Dr. Seuss


Unless we make Christmas

an occasion to share our blessings,

all the snow in Alaska won't make

it 'white.'"

- Bing Crosby



Old Time Christmas…


The Magic of Christmas Day…



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