Wednesday, June 21, 2023

062123 quotes plus...

Enthusiasm in our

Daily work lightens effort

And turns even labor

Into pleasant tasks.

- Stanley Baldwin


It’s not whether

You get knocked down,

It’s whether you get up.

- Vince Lombardi


Most people fail in life

Not because they

Aim too high and miss,

But because they

Aim too low and hit.

- Les Brown


Got Insurance?

These are some of the options available…


* Traditional Term Life Insurance

Enroll from your device



* Health Insurance

Individual, small business, fraternal



Been Turned Down for Life Insurance?

Due to health or other concerns…


* Guaranteed Issue Term Life Insurance

Ages 18-75 up to 50 K of coverage.

Available in 34 States

Apply online today!



For More Information Contact…


Hayden Childs

Independent Insurance Agent

(205) 269-1382


























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