Thursday, June 15, 2023

061523 Things Average People Don’t Do…

Things Average People Don’t Do…


(1) Average people don’t live extraordinary lives.

  They live ordinary lives.


(2) Average people don’t have good habits.

  Everything is random and happens completely by chance.


(3) Average people don’t have above average or elite people around them.

  You are the average of the five people closest to you.


(4) Average people don’t rise early.

  They sleep late.


(5) Average people don’t arrive early.

  They’re always tardy.


(6) Average people don’t lose weight.

  They gain weight.


(7) Average people don’t have a healthy lifestyle.

  They have an unhealthy lifestyle.


(8) Average people don’t run marathons.

  They enjoy the couch.


(9) Average people don’t spend hours in prayer and bible study.

  They don’t have an intimate relationship with God.


(10) Average people don’t serve others.

  They serve themselves.


(11) Average people don’t give generously.

  They are greedy.


(12) Average people don’t save money.

  They are in debt.


- Brian Dodd



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