Friday, June 30, 2023


“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me.

He has put His hand on Me to preach

the Good News to poor people.

He has sent Me to heal those with a sad heart.

He has sent Me to tell those who are being held

that they can go free.

He has sent Me to make the blind to see and

to free those who are held because of trouble.



We must be free not

Because we claim freedom,

But because we practice it.

- William Faulkner


Order without liberty

And liberty without order

Are equally destructive.

- Theodore Roosevelt


Freedom makes a huge requirement

Of every human being.

With freedom comes responsibility.

For the person who is unwilling to

Grow up,

The person who does not want to

Carry his own weight,

This is a frightening prospect.

- Eleanor Roosevelt


Freedom prospers when

Religion is vibrant and

The rule of law under

God is acknowledged.

- Ronald Wilson Reagan




Thursday, June 29, 2023

062923 Free at Last...

On July 2nd 2023 the Lord willing I will celebrate

A very special anniversary for it was on July 2nd 1975

I became a Christian.


My dad immersed me into Christ at

Western Kentucky Christian Youth Camp

Near Marion, KY.


My brother Tim who preaches in Caledonia, MS

Also became a Christian on the same occasion.

It is a special bond we share.


“Therefore if the Son makes

You free, you shall be free indeed.”

John 8:36


I believe this song “Free at Last”

Is appropriate as I remember that

Blessed event.


- Hayden Childs


Free at Last…

1 I never shall forget that day,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
When Jesus washed my sins away,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

2 I went about with a listless tread,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
An aching heart and a hung down head,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

3 I prayed and prayed but found no peace,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
Till I trusted Jesus' righteousness,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

4 My many sins are washed away,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
I'm happy now the livelong day,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

5 I'm not ashamed the world to tell,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
How Jesus saved my soul from hell,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

6 I am so happy and so free,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
Sin has no power over me,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

7 I'll tell the nations great and small,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
The blood of Christ has done it all,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

I'm free at last, free at last,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last;
Free at last, free at last,
Thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

- Charles Price Jones


For more information

About how you can

Be free at last…




Monday, June 26, 2023

062623 See It Through...

See It Through…

When you’re up against a trouble,
    Meet it squarely, face to face;
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
    Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it’s vain to try to dodge it,
    Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
    See it through!

Black may be the clouds about you
    And your future may seem grim,
But don’t let your nerve desert you;
    Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worst is bound to happen,
    Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
    See it through!

Even hope may seem but futile,
    When with troubles you’re beset,
But remember you are facing
    Just what other men have met.
You may fail, but fall still fighting;
    Don’t give up, whate’er you do;
Eyes front, head high to the finish.
    See it through!


- Edgar A. Guest





Wednesday, June 21, 2023

062123 quotes plus...

Enthusiasm in our

Daily work lightens effort

And turns even labor

Into pleasant tasks.

- Stanley Baldwin


It’s not whether

You get knocked down,

It’s whether you get up.

- Vince Lombardi


Most people fail in life

Not because they

Aim too high and miss,

But because they

Aim too low and hit.

- Les Brown


Got Insurance?

These are some of the options available…


* Traditional Term Life Insurance

Enroll from your device



* Health Insurance

Individual, small business, fraternal



Been Turned Down for Life Insurance?

Due to health or other concerns…


* Guaranteed Issue Term Life Insurance

Ages 18-75 up to 50 K of coverage.

Available in 34 States

Apply online today!



For More Information Contact…


Hayden Childs

Independent Insurance Agent

(205) 269-1382


























Tuesday, June 20, 2023


It is not how much we have,

But how much we enjoy,

That makes happiness. 

- Charles Haddon Spurgeon


Limitations live only in our minds. 

But if we use our imaginations,

Our possibilities become limitless.

- Jamie Paolinett


It is not what you do for your children,

But what you have taught them to do

For themselves, that will make them

Successful human beings.

- Ann Landers



Thursday, June 15, 2023

061523 Got Insurance?

“If my father had a life insurance policy,

We would not have to work ourselves to

The bone and sacrifice our physical and

Emotional well-being to keep up with


– Emily Trader, whose father

Died without life insurance


Read Emily’s story at this link…


With Father’s Day 2023 rapidly approaching

I got to thinking about how many fathers

Don’t have any personal life insurance coverage

Of any kind… they are just like Emily Trader’s



I am sure he was a good man.


A good man who failed to financially prepare

For his passing from this earth life.


You may be self-insured I know a few

Fathers who don’t need my services because

They have been wise with their financial

Resources they have already paid for their

Final expenses at the funeral home with



If you are in need of life insurance

Coverage I offer whole life and

Term life and take pleasure

In assisting with final expense



Life Insurance is usually

Cheaper than you think.


If I could be a blessing to you.

Contact me….


Hayden Childs

(205) 269-1382



“ Anyone who does not take

care of his family and those

in his house has turned

away from the faith.

He is worse than a person

who has never put

his trust in Christ.”

1 Tim.5:8




061523 Things Average People Don’t Do…

Things Average People Don’t Do…


(1) Average people don’t live extraordinary lives.

  They live ordinary lives.


(2) Average people don’t have good habits.

  Everything is random and happens completely by chance.


(3) Average people don’t have above average or elite people around them.

  You are the average of the five people closest to you.


(4) Average people don’t rise early.

  They sleep late.


(5) Average people don’t arrive early.

  They’re always tardy.


(6) Average people don’t lose weight.

  They gain weight.


(7) Average people don’t have a healthy lifestyle.

  They have an unhealthy lifestyle.


(8) Average people don’t run marathons.

  They enjoy the couch.


(9) Average people don’t spend hours in prayer and bible study.

  They don’t have an intimate relationship with God.


(10) Average people don’t serve others.

  They serve themselves.


(11) Average people don’t give generously.

  They are greedy.


(12) Average people don’t save money.

  They are in debt.


- Brian Dodd



Wednesday, June 14, 2023


The extension of the positive

Characteristics of a father can

Contribute more to the healing

Of a nation than all the money-

Laden do good programs combined.

It is these caring, compassionate,

Respectful and loving attributes

That can not only encourage and

Heal a family, but can be extended

Outward to a neighborhood, a town,

A city, a territory, a region, and a


- Byron R. Pulsifer


If you want the best

The world has to offer,

Offer the world your best."

- Neale Donald Walsch


Love and kindness are never wasted.

They always make a difference.

They bless the one, who receives them,

And they bless you, the giver.

- Barbara De Angelis


How you experience your life

Depends on how you look at it.

If you look at it as a constant

Stream of difficulties and challenges,

Messes and problems,

It will show up that way.

If, on the other hand,

You see it as a continuing flow

Of good fortune,

One good thing after another,

That is what you will encounter.

- Neale Donald Walsch





Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Fathers, do not be too hard

On your children so they will

Become angry.

Teach them in their growing years

With Christian teaching.”

Eph.6:4 NLV


I have repeatedly stated and

Emphatically declared that

The key to the restoration and

Preservation of a sane and

Healthy society is the salvaging

Of the male, especially as a

Responsible father.

- Myles Munroe


What you do with your life

And how you do it is not only

A reflection on you,

But on your family and all of

Those institutions that have

Helped to make you who

You are.

- Hank Aaron


It is a glorious achievement

To master one's own temper.

- Anonymous



Have you or someone

You know…

Been Turned Down for

Life Insurance Coverage

Due to health or other



I now have an option

For consideration!


Protection Plus Life

Guaranteed Issue Membership

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Membership includes…

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Card and more)


Ages 18-75

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Coverage options

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LifeShield National

Insurance Company

Oklahoma City, OK


Available in 34 States

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Everyone qualifies!


Apply online and

Secure coverage

In minutes


For more information



Hayden Childs

Independent Insurance Agent

Based in N.W. Alabama

(205) 269-1382



“The grief is bad enough,

Don’t leave the burden

To YOUR family!







Monday, June 12, 2023


To be a father requires

Patience, love and giving

Up the 'all about me'


- Catherine Pulsifer


May thy ball lie

In green pastures … 

And not in still waters. 

- Anonymous


What other people may find

In poetry or art museums,

I find in the flight of a good drive. 

- Arnold Palmer


Achievement is largely the

Product of steadily raising

One’s level of aspiration

And expectation.

- Jack Nicklaus






Saturday, June 10, 2023


Common sense is the knack

of seeing things as they are,

and doing things as they

ought to be done.

- Harriet Beecher Stowe


A life lived with integrity…

even if it lacks the trappings

of fame and fortune is a

shining star in whose light

others may follow in the

years to come.

- Denis Waitley


To think bad thoughts is really

the easiest thing in the world.

If you leave your mind to itself

it will spiral down into ever

increasing unhappiness.

To think good thoughts, however,

Requires effort.

This is one of the things that discipline…

training… is about.

- James Clavell