Wednesday, March 15, 2023

031523 quotes plus

“ Pleasing words are like honey.

 They are sweet to the soul and

healing to the bones”.

Proverbs 16:24 NLV


A Word…

What a fool says

Comes out of the mouth.

What the wise expresses

Comes from the heart.


What a fool does

Generates confusion.

What the wise executes

Transpires peace.


A word speaks altitude

A word speaks momentum.

A deed speaks attitude

A deed speaks integrity.

- Cecelia Weir


Power of Words…

"Sticks and stones may break my bones

but words will never hurt me!"

We all heard that saying when we were children,

and, like so many other childlike chants,

it was a great myth.

Words do have power, immense power,

and they can cause much pain, because when they

are repeated in negative fashion, people,

especially children, may end up believing them.

"You're a bad boy,"

"You'll never amount to anything."

"You're a loser,"

"Does your face hurt? It's killing me."

These are only slight examples of the negative language

we often hear. We have all heard them, and unfortunately

have been guilty of dishing them out as well.

- Chris Snook


A careless word may kindle strife, 
A cruel word may wreck a life, 
A bitter word may hate instill, 
A brutal word may smite and kill, 
A gracious word may smooth the way, 
A joyous word may light the day; 
A timeless word may lessen stress, 
A loving word may heal and bless. 

- Anonymous

Via Bulletin Gold



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