Thursday, March 02, 2023



Drifting away from Christ in thy youth,
Drifting away from mercy and truth,
Drifting to sin in tenderest youth,
Drifting away from God.

Drifting away from mother and home,
Drifting away in sorrow to roam,
Drifting where peace and rest cannot come,
Drifting away from God.

Drifting away on sin’s treacherous tide,
Drifting where death and darkness abide,
Drifting from Heav’n away in your pride,
Drifting away from God.

Drifting away from hope’s blessed shore,
Drifting away where wild breakers roar;
Drifted and stranded, wrecked evermore,
Far from the light of God.

Why will you drift on billows of shame,
Spurning His grace again and again?
Soon you’ll be lost! In sin to remain,
Ever away from God.


Brother, the Savior has called you before,
See! You are nearing eternity’s shore!
Soon you may perish, be lost evermore;
Jesus now calls for you.

- Amanda C. Griffith


“And so let us come near to God

with a true heart full of faith.

Our hearts must be made clean

from guilty feelings and our

Bodies washed with pure water.

Let us hold on to the hope we

Say we have and not be changed.

We can trust God that He will

Do what He promised.

Let us help each other to

Love others and to do good.

 - Hebrews 10:22-24 NLV


The grass does grow

The rains causes floods

The earth does quake

Tornadoes do travel

And age, age grows older

While all man has are warnings.

- Cecelia Weir


Many people have the Bible

In their heads, or in their pockets;

But we need to get it down

Into our hearts.

- D.L. Moody


Reverence is the highest quality

Of man’s nature;

And that individual, or nation,

Which has it slightly developed,

Is so far unfortunate.

It is a strong spiritual instinct,

And seek to form channels for

Itself where none exists;

Thus Americans, in the dearth

Of other object to worship,

Fall to worshiping themselves.

- Lydia M. Child



Are You Saved?



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