Monday, March 13, 2023

031323 Basketball Quotes in Honor of 2023 Men's NCAA Tourney...

“Your defense will save you

On the nights that your

Offense isn’t working.”

- Coach Adolph Rupp


“Basketball is a game of

Conditioning and fatigue.

That's why I believe in

Practicing a team to

Train when it's exhausted.”

- Coach Pat Riley


"I tell the players that they can't

Relive any day in their lives and

That they can't relive the minutes

Of a game, so they should make a

Great effort, a Mount Everest type

Effort, to live up to their potential.

Success is a communal type thing,

And if we win, then everyone can be

Considered successful and we can

Move uptown together.”

Coach Al McGuire


"For order and a society to exist…

And a basketball team is a society

Within itself…

It needs discipline."

- Coach Joe. B. Hall


“This is the Mecca of collegiate basketball,

Or of all basketball,” (University of Kentucky)

“This is the most passionate fan (base),

The most supportive administration,

The best facilities.

The history speaks for itself.

And the fact that five coaches have

Won championships at the university,

What other school can say that?”

- Coach Joe B. Hall



U.K. Men’s Basketball Team

Lexington, KY

* Most NCAA Tourney Appearance – 60

* Most NCAA Tourney Games Played – 129

* 8 NCAA Tourney Championships

  2nd Best in Tourney History

.709 Winning % 4th Best in Tourney History




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