Tuesday, December 26, 2023


A coach is someone

who can give correction

without causing resentment.

- Coach John Wooden


Push yourself again and again.

Don’t give an inch until the

final buzzer sounds.

- Larry Bird


Good teams become

great ones when the

members trust each

other enough to

surrender the Me

for the We.

- Coach Phil Jackson


If you have a positive attitude

and constantly strive to give

your best effort,

eventually you will overcome

your immediate problems and

find you are ready for greater


- Coach Pat Riley


How do you go from where you

are to where you want to be?

I think you have to have an

enthusiasm for life.

You have to have a dream,

a goal, and you have to be

willing to work for it

- Coach Jim Valvano




Monday, December 25, 2023

122523 Christmas quotes plus...

I heard the bells on Christmas Day.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Christmas is a time when you get homesick,

even if you’re home.”

- Carol Nelson


Christmas magic is silent.

You don’t hear it…

you feel it. You know it.

You believe it.

- Kevin Alan Milne


I like to compare the holiday season

with the way a child listens to a

favorite story.

- Fred Rogers


Christmas is like candy;

it slowly melts in your mouth

sweetening every taste bud,

making you wish it could last forever.

- Richelle E. Goodrich


When we recall Christmas past,

we usually find that the simplest things…

not the great occasions…

give off the greatest glow of happiness.

- Bob Hope


“I’ll Be Home for Christmas”

is a Christmas song recorded in 1943 by Bing Crosby.

Originally written to honor soldiers overseas who

longed to be home at Christmastime,

“I’ll Be Home for Christmas” has since gone on to

become a Christmas standard.

The song is sung from the point of view of a soldier

stationed overseas during World War II,

writing a letter to his family.

In the message, he tells the family he will be coming

home and to prepare the holiday for him,

and requests snow, mistletoe, and presents under the tree.

The song ends on a melancholy note, with the soldier saying,

“I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams”.


And the Grinch,

with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow,

stood puzzling and puzzling,

how could it be so?

It came without ribbons. It came without tags.

It came without packages, boxes or bags.

And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore.

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before.

What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store?

What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?

- Dr. Seuss from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”



Christmas  In Dixie


Sunday, December 24, 2023

122423 Christmas quotes...


Christmas is sights,

Especially the sights

Of Christmas reflected

In the eyes of a child.

- William Saroyan


To celebrate the heart

Of Christmas is to

Forget ourselves in the

Service of others.

- Henry C. Link



That magic blanket that

Wraps itself about us,

That something so

Intangible that it is like

A fragrance.

It may weave a spell of nostalgia.

Christmas may be a day of feasting,

Or of prayer, but always it will be

A day of remembrance…

A day in which we think of everything

We have ever loved. 

- Augusta E. Rundel


I have always thought

Of Christmas time,

When it has come round,

As a good time;

A kind, forgiving,

Charitable time;

The only time I know of,

In the long calendar of the year,

When men and women seem by

One consent to open their

Shut-up hearts freely,

And to think of people below

Them as if they really were

Fellow passengers to the grave,

And not another race of creatures

Bound on other journeys. 

- Charles Dickens


Blend equal parts of

Faith and Hope

Mixed well with Charity;

Stir in Good Will and

Sweet Content and Precious Memory.
Add Kindness, Helpfulness and Joy;

Of Gratitude don't spare;
then drop by drop Love's

Essence sweet,

And Praises freely share.
And don't forget such spices

Rare as Laughter,

Smiles and Fun,

Taste often for the best results,

('Tis sweet to mince upon).
Now add a Thankful Heart and then,

The recipe's complete,
Your "Merry Christmas"

All will like…

So try the season's treat.

- Esther Lloyd Dauber


May Christmas bring you happiness,
a song to fill your heart
with all the blessings large and small
the season doth impart.
- Garnett Ann Schultz



Saturday, December 23, 2023

122323 In Tribute And Loving Memory...

In tribute and loving memory

of my friend Daniel Gray

And to those left behind…

April and “Big Al”

Nauvoo, AL


“Give all your worries to Him

 because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7 NLV


What we call the beginning

is often the end.

To make an end

is to make a beginning.

The end is where we start from.

- T. S. Eliot


Relatives and friends,

I am about to leave…

My last breath does not say


For my love for you is truly timeless,

Beyond the touch of bony death…

I leave my thoughts, my laughter,

and my dreams

To you whom I have treasured

Beyond gold and precious gems.

I give you what no thief can steal,

The memories of our times together…

The tender, love-filled moments,

The successes we have shared,

The hard times that brought us

closer together

And the roads we have walked

side by side…

- Edward Hays


I’ll cry with you

She whispered

Until we run out of tears.

Even if it’s forever.

We’ll do it together.

There it was… a simple

Promise of connection

The loving alliance of

Grief and hope that

Blesses both our breaking

Apart and our coming

Together again.

- Molly Fumia



You don’t get over it

You just get through it

You don’t get by it

Because you can’t

get around it.

It doesn't “get better”

It just gets different

Every day…

Grief puts on a new face

- Wendy Feiereisen


There is only one way for you

To live without grief in your lifetime;

That is to exist without love.

Your grief represents your humanness,

Just as your love does.

- Carol Staudacher


A Friend…

What is a Friend?

I’ll tell you.

It is a person with whom

You dare to be yourself.

Your soul can go naked with him

He seems to ask you to put on nothing,

Only be what you really are.

When you are with him,

You do not have to be on your guard.

You can say what you think,

So long as it is genuinely you.

He understands those contradictions

In your nature that cause others

To misjudge you.

With him you breathe freely…

You can avow your little vanities

And envies and absurdities and

In opening them up to him

They are dissolved on the

White ocean of his loyalty.

He understands

You can weep with him,

Laugh with him,

Pray with him…

Through and underneath it all

He sees, knows and loves you.

A friend, I repeat,

Is one with whom you

Dare to be yourself.

-       Anonymous





Amazing Grace




Friday, December 22, 2023

122223 Christmas quotes plus...

May our Christmas Cheer

last all through the year.

- Anonymous


Christmas is doing a little

something extra for someone.

- Charles M. Schulz


This Christmas let us all

measure the present,

by the love within our

hearts that is present.

- Edward Ebbs


It’s not how much we give,

but how much love we

put into giving.

- Mother Theresa


Christmas, my child,

is love in action.

Every time we love,

every time we give,

it’s Christmas.

- Dale Evans Rogers


Christmas is most truly

Christmas when we celebrate

it by giving the light of love

to those who need it most.

- Ruth Carter Stapleton


The Christmas spirit

is a spirit of giving

and forgiving.

- J. C. Penney


Bless us Lord,

this Christmas,

with quietness of mind.

- Helen Steiner Rice


Christmas is a tonic for our souls.

It moves us to think of others

rather than of ourselves.

- B. C. Forbes


Christmas is not a time nor a season,

but a state of mind.

To cherish peace and goodwill,

to be plenteous in mercy,

is to have the real spirit of Christmas

- Calvin Coolidge


Christmas will always be

as long as we stand heart

to heart and hand in hand.

- Dr. Seuss



Christmas in my hometown




I’ll be home for Christmas




Wednesday, December 20, 2023

122023 The Children's Christmas...

The Children's Christmas…


The children's Christmas is simple and bright
They sing the music, they laugh in the light,
Sparkling colors are a magical spell,
Their instant joy flows bubbling and well.

But round that tree I see a space,
Beside the table an empty place,
A voice is missing, a form of grace,
The sweetness of a little lost face.

A vacuum was left by the child who's gone;
Though all seems right, yet it's terribly wrong.
I'd give up my Christmas, and gaiety fine,
To clasp that small hand again in mine.


- Rosemary J. Gwaltney



In loving memory of our grand-son.

Colson Lee Clark

May 28th, 2020 




Christmas Time…

