Saturday, April 16, 2022

041622 Who Crucified Jesus?

Who Crucified Jesus?


When we observe the famous painting of Rembrandt called

“The Three Crosses”, our attention is drawn to the cross in

The middle where Jesus died.  Afterwards we see the crowd

At the foot of the cross and observe the expressions of these

Persons that took part in the crucifixion.  Finally we see in

One of the lower corners of the painting a lone figure in the

Dark shadows.  Many art critics believe this is Rembrandt

Himself who expressed that because of his sin he had

Participated in the death of his Savior.


It is easy to blame the soldiers for His death, or Pilate or the

Angry Pharisees, but in reality we were all part of those who

Crucified our Savior.  Somebody said: “It is easy to say that

Christ died for the sin of the world”, but it is quite another

Thing to say that he died for my sins.  Many people are

Indifferent like Pilate who tried to clear his conscience by

Washing his hands, or like Caiaphas who used the people to

Denounce our Savior, or like the cruel soldiers who nailed

Our Savior to the cross or finally like the angry mob who

Mocked him.


Think about this painting again; put yourself in the place of

The artist.  We were all there because of our sins.  We should

Be thankful for the words of our Savior, “Then said Jesus,

Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”. 

Luke 23:34

- Anonymous



The Three Crosses is a 1653 print in etching and dry point

By the Dutch artist Rembrandt van Vijn, which depicts the

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Most of his prints are mainly in

Etching and this one is a dry point with burin adjustments

From the third state onward. It is considered “one of the

Most dynamic prints ever made.”        



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