Wednesday, April 13, 2022


“The Lord opens the eyes of

The Blind;

The Lord raises those who

Are bowed down.”

Psalm 146:8


Perfection is over-rated.

An idea doesn’t have to be perfect.

It just has to be implemented.

- Anonymous


If you have an important point to make,

Don’t try to be subtle or clever.

Use a pile driver.  Hit the point once. 

Then come back and hit it again. 

Then hit it a third time…

A tremendous whack.

- Winston Churchill


Count your blessings.

Once you realize how

Valuable you are and

How much you have

Going for you,
the smiles will return,

The sun will break out,
the music will play,

And you will finally
be able to move forward

The life that God intended
for you with grace, strength,

Courage and confidence.
- Og Mandino



Got Insurance?

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